Features - Analytics - Locations
Last Known Location
"Last Known Locations" allows you to view last known locations of users.
Accessing the Page
It can be found by -
  • Clicking the "Last Known Location" shortcut

  • Going to the "Analytics" -> "Locations" -> "Last Known Location" main menu entry
Free Text Search

Free Text Search is available to do a quick search by user, IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), and ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier).
"Show All" Search
"Show All" shows all the available users and supervisors.
"New Search" Search
"New Search" provides a very advanced search and it can be saved so that the same search can be executed at any time by anyone.

Click "New Search" to conduct a new search.

"New Search" contains -

"Location" can be not applicable or near by an area address by a radius in meters.
"User" are the user(s) last known location information you will be searching for.
"Supervisor" shows last known locations of users reporting to that supervisor.
"POI Status" includes not applicable, inside POI (shows users whose last known location is inside the POI), and outside POI (shows users whose last known location is outside the POI).
"Connection Status" is the communication of the server and device.
"Show Nearby POIs" shows POIs within a 25 mile radius (unless overwritten by the Location - Radius field) from the user's last known location.
"Save this Search" allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to all Users" allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.
"More Actions"
"More Actions" include icon color legend, request location, and refresh.

"Icon Color Legend" displays colored icons indicating if the location is current (within the last 90 minutes), not current, but fairly recent (within 90 minutes and 1 day), or old (over 1 day).
"Request Location" requests a new location from the device by sending a push notification to the device.
"Refresh" obtains the latest information reported by devices.
"Overview" Tab
The "Overview Tab" includes users to the left of the map, which allows you to view their MobiTimesheet, MobiPath, and device, as well as request their location. In addition, the "Overview Tab" allows you to see users' last known locations on a map.

"View MobiTimesheet" allows you to visualize the locations and movements of your mobile workforce (including when they are in transit, stopped in a point of interest, logged out / device unreachable, and tracking disabled - outside of business hours) in a timesheet and map.
"Location Status Icon" indicates if the location is current (within the last 90 minutes), represented by a green icon, not current, but fairly recent (within 90 minutes and 1 day), represented by a yellow icon, or old (over 1 day), represented by a red icon.
"Last Known Location Source Icon" is either a picture of a satellite (a more accurate source from the devices's GPS chip) or cell phone tower (a less accurate source from the cellular network).
"View MobiPath" displays the path of a user on a map.
"View Device" views the user's device information.
"Request Location" requests a new location from the device by sending a push notification to the device.
"Map" displays users' last known locations on a map with icons indicating if their location is current (within the last 90 minutes), represented by a green icon, not current, but fairly recent (within 90 minutes and 1 day), represented by a yellow icon, or old (over 1 day), represented by a red icon.
"List" Tab
The "List Tab" includes fields such as user, location, device status, last communication time, POI, and actions.

"Location Status Icon" indicates if the location is current (within the last 90 minutes), represented by a green icon, not current, but fairly recent (within 90 minutes and 1 day), represented by a yellow icon, or old (over 1 day), represented by a red icon.
"Last Known Location Source Icon" is either a picture of a satellite (a more accurate source from the device's GPS chip) or cell phone tower (a less accurate source from the cellular network).
"User" is the user.
"Location" is the user's last known location.
"Device Status" is either green (active in MobiWork within the last 90 minutes), yellow (last active in MobiWork between 90 minutes and 1 day), or red (last active in MobiWork over 1 day).
"Last Communication Time" is the last time the user's device communicated with MobiWork.
"POI" is the user's point of interest.
"Actions" includes View MobiTimesheet, View MobiPath, View Device, and Request Location.