Features - Analytics - Locations
Raw Locations
"Raw Locations" display all the locations captured by MobiWork of specified users on specified dates and times on a map with their latitude and longitude, date and time, and ID.
Accessing the Page
It can be found by -
"Raw Locations"
The fields within "Raw Locations" contain -

"User" is the user whose raw location you wish to see.
"Date" is the date of the raw location. The calendar icon to the right of this field can be clicked on to select the date.
"From" is the from time.
"To" is the to time.
"Locations Type" includes all, GPS (chip in device), and network (antennas through data network).
"Show Schedule" shows an optimized route of assigned work orders on a map for the specified user for the specified date and time.
"More Actions" include Last Known Location (displays the user's last known location and when they last communicated with MobiWork), View MobiPath (displays the path of a user on a map), and View MobiTimesheet (visualizes the locations and movements of your mobile workforce (including when they are in transit, stopped in a point of interest, logged out / device unreachable, etc) in a timesheet and map).