Features - Connectors Framework - Inbound REST API - Work Orders
List Work Orders
Retrieve Work Order List of the client
URL Format
MobiWork assigned unique ID of the company
Version number of MobiWork API SDK release. Current version is: 10.0.78
Part of URL as a request parameter and is required in every call to verify access to API calls
If provided, this User ID will be taken as a logged in user. If not provided we use an active global administrator ID
Filter or Search Criteria
workOrderId By work order ID
status By status of work order (OPEN, ASSIGNED, CLOSED)
customStatus By work order customer status API name
workOrderType By work order type API name
assginedTo By assignedTo - accepts either name (lastname, firstname) or userId
assignedToDate By assignedToDate - date format is YYYY/MM/DD
customerName By customer of the work order
address By location of the work order
city By location city of the work order
zipCode By location postal code of the work order
phoneNumber By phone number of customer of the work order
createdBy By create user - accept either name (lastname, firstname) or userId
createdFromDate By create date range from date
createdToDate By create date range to date
includeOnlyFormId If the value is true only the ID of the form will be included, if the value is false the entire form tag will be included.
includeOnlyAssetId If the value is true only the ID of the asset will be included, if the value is false the entire asset tag will be included.
includeOnlyInvoiceId If the value is true only the ID of the invoice will be included, if the value is false the entire invoice tag will be included.
includeOnlyGenericEntityId If the value is true only the ID of the generic entity will be included, if the value is false the entire generic entity tag will be included.
excludeLocation If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Location)
excludeNotes If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Notes)
excludeHistory If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is History)
excludeStatusEventList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Status Event List)
excludeGenericEntityList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Generic Entity List)
excludeScheduleConstraints If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Schedule Constraints)
excludeAssetList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Asset List)
excludeActionItems If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Action Items)
excludePartsUsedList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Parts Used List)
excludePartList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Part List)
excludeDeliveryItems If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Delivery Items)
excludeTimeTrackingList If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Location)
excludeSchedule If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Schedule)
excludeInvoice If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Invoice)
excludeFilledForms If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Filled Forms)
excludeCustomFields If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Custom Fields)
excludeContact If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Contact)
Returns a list of Work Order Object(s) if valid arguments and search criteria are provided. If no search criteria is provided the list of a maximum 200 work orders will be returned. Returns an error if not a valid request
Request Body XSD
Response Body XSD
Curl Example
Request: curl -k -X POST -H "https://www.mobiwork.com/api/rest/12014/10.0.78/workOrder/list.html?token=COJL8X2FKSLMMRTYCH2B" --header 'content-type: application/xml' --data '<request><status>OPEN</status></request>'
Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<response version="10.0.78" statusCode="1">
<customerName>joe rivere</customerName>
<createdDate>05/10/2022 16:24:01</createdDate>
<address1>5761 upland way</address1>
<city>west palm beach</city>
<createdDate>Tue May 24 10:02:17 EDT 2016</createdDate>
<description>Start Time</description>
<description>Fillout Service Form</description>
<description>Safety Check Completed</description>
<description>Close the Work Order</description>
<description>Stop time</description>