Features - Quotes
Customer Approval by Link

Quote Approval by Email

Step by Step

  1. From the email received, customers will click the orange Review and Approve button:

  2. The customer will be redirected to a unique MobiWork site with options to View, Reject and Approve their quote:

    • View - Downloads a copy of the quote PDF for viewing purposes:

    • Reject - Provides an Add Comment to Quote text area for notes on why the customer will be rejecting this quote (optional):

    • Approve - Provides an Add Comment to Quote text area for notes on why the customer will be approving this quote (optional):

  3. Whether rejected or approved, the customer will be shown a success message once submitting the Add Comment to Quote text box.

    • Quote Approved:

    • Quote Rejected:

Quote Approval by Text

Step by Step

  1. From the text message received, customers will tap on the provided link:

  2. The customer will be redirected to a unique MobiWork site with options to View, Reject and Approve their quote:

    • View - Downloads a copy of the quote PDF for viewing purposes:

    • Reject - Provides an Add Comment to Quote text area for notes on why the customer will be rejecting this quote (optional):

    • Approve - Provides an Add Comment to Quote text area for notes on why the customer will be approving this quote (optional):

  3. Whether rejected or approved, the customer will be shown a success message once submitting the Add Comment to Quote text box.

    • Quote Approved:

    • Quote Rejected: