Features - Projects
View Project
How to Access the Page
It can be found by -
  • Going to the Management -> Projects main menu entry and then clicking on a project

  • Clicking on the link to the project throughout MobiWork if there is permission to take action on it
"More Actions"
The More Actions button allows actions including add work orders to project, edit, delete, and project actions to be performed on the project.

More Actions contain -

"Add Work Orders to Project" adds work orders to the project.
"Edit" edit the project.
"Delete" deletes the project and all the items that are fully contained within it (crew, notes, documents, and custom fields). It will not delete work orders, tasks, etc.
"Project Actions" allow the administrator to create an action button (including its name and the users who will see it) that will be displayed on the project view on the device. This action will create a work order of the appropriate work order type at a specified frequency.
"Project Crew Settings" views the Project Crew settings.
"Add Work Orders to Project"
Add Work Orders to Project allows you to add work orders to a project and dispatch them to users on specified dates with specified durations.

Add Work Orders to Project adds multiple work orders in a single action.

Add Work Orders to Project contains -

"Type" is the type of work order.
"Description" is the description of the work order.
"Customer" is the customer who the work order is for. The field is preselected with the customer of the project.
"Location" is the location of the work order.
"Location Name" is the name of the customer's location. This field only shows up if you click Add New Location.

If Street Address is selected in the field beneath Location Name then these fields will appear -

"Street Address 1" is the street address of the customer.
"Street Address 2" is any additional street address information of the customer.
"City" is the city of the customer.
"Country" is the country of the customer.
"State" is the state of the customer.
"Zip Code" is the zip code of the customer.

If Latitude / Longitude or Pick the Location on a Map are selected in the field beneath Location Name then these fields will appear -

"Latitude" is the latitude of the customer's location.
"Longitude" is the longitude of the customer's location.
"Show Map icon" allows you to drag the icon to select the latitude / longitude of the customer's location.

The remaining fields within Add Work Orders to Project contain -

"Contact" is the name of the customer's contact.
"First Name" is the first name of the customer.
"Last Name" is the last name of the customer.
"Phone Number" is the phone number of the customer.
"Ext" is the extension of the customer's phone number, if applicable.
"Alternate Phone" is the alternate phone number of the customer.
"Ext" is the extension of the customer's alternate phone number, if applicable.
"Fax" is the fax number of the customer.
"Email" is the email address of the customer.
"Title" is the title of the customer.
"Admin" means if the contact of the customer should be an administrator in the customer portal.
"Access Billing" means if the contact of the customer should access billing in the customer portal.
"Access Reports" means if the contact of the customer should access reports in the customer portal.
"Create Work Order" means if the contact of the customer should create work orders in the customer portal.
"Edit Contact" means if the contact of the customer should edit contacts in the customer portal.
"Users" are the users the work order will be dispatched to (if any).
"Unassigned; Number of Users" means you know the amount of users you need but not who specifically.
"Scheduled Dates" are the dates the work order will be dispatched (if any). Multiple dates can be clicked on for selection.
"Unscheduled" means will not schedule for a particular day.
"Start Time" is the start time of the work order.
"Planned Duration" is the planned duration of the work order.

  • The # of work orders created is based on the # of users x the number of scheduled dates.
  • It will create 1 work order for each user / scheduled date combination.
  • For instance, 6 users and 7 number of scheduled dates will create 42 work orders.
"Summary" Tab
The Summary tab includes information about the project including the customer, location, project manager, description, reminders, and notes.

Project details within the Summary tab contain -

"Customer" is the customer that the project is for.
"Location" is the primary address of the project.
"Project Manager" is the project manager of the project.
"Description" is the description of the project.
"Edit" edits the project.

Reminders within the Summary tab contain -

"Description" is the description of the reminder.
"Assigned To" is the user the reminder is assigned to.
"Expiration Date" is the date and time the reminder expires.
"Actions" include edit and delete.
"Add Reminder" adds a reminder to the project.

Notes within the Summary tab contain -

"Notes" are the content of the notes.
"Date" is the date and time the note was created.
"User" is the user who created the note.
"Actions" include edit.
"Add Note" adds a note to the project.
"Refresh" refreshes the notes to ensure the latest ones are listed.
"Documents" Tab
The Documents tab lists documentation information about the project including the user, date, type, and name.

The Documents tab contains -

"User" is the user who added the document.
"Date" is the date and time the document was added.
"Type" is the type of document that was added.
"Name" is the name of the document that was added.
"Comment" is any comment associated with the document.
"Actions" include view, edit, download, and delete.
"Add Document" adds a document to the project.
"Refresh" refreshes the documents to ensure the latest ones are listed.
"Forms" Tab
The Forms tab lists any form that the project is referenced in a project field. In addition, information about the forms including the name, user, creation date, and geotags are displayed.

The Forms tab contains -

"Name" is the name of the form.
"User" is the user who created the form.
"Created Date" is the creation date of the form.
"Geotags" are geographical locations of where the form was created.
"Actions" include view, edit, and export MobiForm to PDF.
"Refresh" refreshes the forms to ensure the latest ones are listed.
"Export all Forms" exports all the project's forms to PDF.
"Work Orders" Tab
The Work Orders tab lists work orders that are associated with projects. In addition, information about the work orders including the ID, status, type/title, date, and user assigned to are displayed.

The Work Orders tab contains -

"ID" is the work order ID.
"Status" includes open, assigned, and closed.
"Type/Title" is the type and description of the work order.
"Date" is the date and time of the work order.
"Assigned To" is the user the work order is assigned to.
"Actions" includes view.
"More Actions" include refresh, dispatch, and delete.
"Tasks" Tab
The Tasks tab lists tasks that are associated with projects. In addition, information about the tasks including the ID, status, priority, date, category, description, and user assigned to are displayed.

The Tasks tab contains -

"Drag and Drop" is the column to the left of "ID" which underneath has icon(s) which indicate whether the tasks can be dragged and dropped to change the order and priority.
"ID" is the ID of the task.
"Status" includes open, acknowledged, in progress, resolved, and closed.
"Priority" is the priority of the task.
"Date" is the date of the task.
"Category" is the category of the task.
"Description" is the description of the task.
"Assigned To" is the user who is assigned to the task.
"Actions" include view, edit, add note, add document, start time tracking, task in progress, task resolved, task completed, and delete.
"Crew List" Tab
The Crews tab allows you to see the name of the project, leaders, service managers, users, and assets.

The Crews tab contains -

"Name" is the name of the project.
"Leader" is the leader of the project's crew or the general foreman.
"User" are the users within the project.
"Asset" are the assets within the project.
"Actions" include edit and delete.
"Manage Users" adds the users to the project which can be used to create the crew.
"Manage Assets" adds the assets to the project which can be used to create the crew.
"Add Crew" adds a crew which includes the name, leader, address, users, and assets.
"Name (Service Manager)" are the names of the project's service manager(s).
"Edit" manages the service manager(s) displayed in "Service Manager(s)."
"Time Tracking" Tab
The Time Tracking tab allows you to see the name of the project, amount of hours worked on it, amount of hours each user worked on it, and the current activity.

The Time Tracking tab contains -

"Date" allows you to search the project's time tracking activities by date.
"Crew" allows you to search the project's time tracking activities by crew.
"Search" searches the project's time tracking activities by date or/and crew.
"Name" is the name of the crew.
"Total" are the total hours worked by the crew and users within the crew.
"Current Activity" is the activity type that is "running" (not stopped) now.
"Actions" include view, start, and stop.
"Expense" Tab
The Expense tab contain expense information of the project including the ID, date, crew, and amount.

The Expense tab contains -

"ID" is the ID of the expense.
"Date" is the date of the expense.
"Crew" is the crew associated with the expense. The crew can be added in Add Expense in Project View -> Expenses tab. Ensure you have crews defined for the project.
"Amount" is the amount of the expense.
"Actions" include view, edit, and delete.
"Add Multiple Expense" allows you to enter expenses for multiple categories at once.
"Add Expense" adds an expense to the project.
"Refresh" refreshes the information within the expense tab of the project.
"Purchase Request" Tab
The Purchase Request tab contains purchase order information of the project including the ID, PR Number, description, crew, vendor, shipping address, needed by, approved, denied, and fulfilled date.

The Purchase Request tab contains -

"ID" is the ID of the purchase request.
"PO Number" is the purchase request number.
"Description" is the description of the purchase request.
"Crew" is the crew associated with the purchase request. The crew can be added in the Add Purchase Request in the Project View -> Purchase Request tab. Ensure you have crews defined for the project.
"Vendor" is the vendor of the purchase request which is derived from the products added to the purchase request.
"Shipping Address" is the shipping address of the purchase request.
"Needed by Date" is the needed by date of the purchase request.
"Approved Date" is the approved date of the purchase request. It is set by dynamic action set in the MobiRule when the status is changed.
"Denied Date" is the denied date of the purchase request. It is set by dynamic action set in the MobiRule when the status is changed.
"Fulfilled Date" is the fulfilled date of the purchase request. It is set by dynamic action set in the MobiRule when the status is changed.
"Actions" includes view, edit, and delete.
"Add Purchase Request" adds a purchase request to the project.
"Refresh" refreshes the information within the purchase request tab of the project.
"History" Tab
The History tab contains historical information of the project including the occurrence, description, user, crew, resources, start, and end date of project activities.

The History tab contains -

"Date" is the date of the project activity.
"Description" is the description of the project activity.
"User" is the user who performed the project activity.
"Refresh" refreshes what is in the "History" tab.
"Crew" is the name of the crew.
"Resource" are the project's resources.
"Start Date" is when the resource is added to the project/project crew.
"End Date" is when the resource is removed from the project/project crew.
"Performed By" is the action performed by a specific user on the users and assets of the project.