- Overview
- Account Settings
- Assets
- Connectors Framework
- Customer Portal
- Customers
- Dashboards
- Devices
- Dispatching
- Forms
- Inventory
- Invoices & Billing
- Locations
- Payments
- Parts
- Projects
- Quotes
- Recurrent Routes
- Recurrent Services
- Reports
- Sales Orders
- Schedule
- Services
- Tasks
- Text Messaging
- Time Tracking
- Users
- Work Orders
"Raw Locations" display all the locations captured by MobiWork of specified users on specified dates and times on a map with their latitude and longitude, date and time, and ID.
"Raw Locations" display all the locations captured by MobiWork of specified users on specified dates and times on a map with their latitude and longitude, date and time, and ID.
Accessing the Page
It can be found by -
It can be found by -
- Clicking the "Raw Locations" shortcut
- Going to the "Analytics" -> "Locations" -> "Raw Locations" main menu entry
"Raw Locations"
The fields within "Raw Locations" contain -
The fields within "Raw Locations" contain -
Name: | Description: |
"User" | is the user whose raw location you wish to see. |
"Date" | is the date of the raw location. The calendar icon to the right of this field can be clicked on to select the date. |
"From" | is the from time. |
"To" | is the to time. |
"Locations Type" | includes all, GPS (chip in device), and network (antennas through data network). |
"Show Schedule" | shows an optimized route of assigned work orders on a map for the specified user for the specified date and time. |
"More Actions" | include Last Known Location (displays the user's last known location and when they last communicated with MobiWork), View MobiPath (displays the path of a user on a map), and View MobiTimesheet (visualizes the locations and movements of your mobile workforce (including when they are in transit, stopped in a point of interest, logged out / device unreachable, etc) in a timesheet and map). |