- Overview
- Account Settings
- Assets
- Connectors Framework
- Customer Portal
- Customers
- Dashboards
- Devices
- Dispatching
- Forms
- Inventory
- Invoices & Billing
- Locations
- Payments
- Parts
- Projects
- Quotes
- Recurrent Routes
- Recurrent Services
- Reports
- Sales Orders
- Schedule
- Services
- Tasks
- Text Messaging
- Time Tracking
- Users
- Work Orders
Retrieve Work Order List of the client
Retrieve Work Order List of the client
URL Format
clientId required |
MobiWork assigned unique ID of the company |
versionNumber required |
Version number of MobiWork API SDK release. Current version is: 10.0.78 |
token required |
Part of URL as a request parameter and is required in every call to verify access to API calls |
userId optional |
If provided, this User ID will be taken as a logged in user. If not provided we use an active global administrator ID |
Filter or Search Criteria
workOrderId | By work order ID |
status | By status of work order (OPEN, ASSIGNED, CLOSED) |
customStatus | By work order customer status API name |
workOrderType | By work order type API name |
assginedTo | By assignedTo - accepts either name (lastname, firstname) or userId |
assignedToDate | By assignedToDate - date format is YYYY/MM/DD |
customerName | By customer of the work order |
address | By location of the work order |
city | By location city of the work order |
zipCode | By location postal code of the work order |
phoneNumber | By phone number of customer of the work order |
createdBy | By create user - accept either name (lastname, firstname) or userId |
createdFromDate | By create date range from date |
createdToDate | By create date range to date |
includeOnlyFormId | If the value is true only the ID of the form will be included, if the value is false the entire form tag will be included. |
includeOnlyAssetId | If the value is true only the ID of the asset will be included, if the value is false the entire asset tag will be included. |
includeOnlyInvoiceId | If the value is true only the ID of the invoice will be included, if the value is false the entire invoice tag will be included. |
includeOnlyGenericEntityId | If the value is true only the ID of the generic entity will be included, if the value is false the entire generic entity tag will be included. |
excludeLocation | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Location) |
excludeNotes | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Notes) |
excludeHistory | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is History) |
excludeStatusEventList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Status Event List) |
excludeGenericEntityList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Generic Entity List) |
excludeScheduleConstraints | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Schedule Constraints) |
excludeAssetList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Asset List) |
excludeActionItems | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Action Items) |
excludePartsUsedList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is the Parts Used List) |
excludePartList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Part List) |
excludeDeliveryItems | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Delivery Items) |
excludeTimeTrackingList | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Location) |
excludeSchedule | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Schedule) |
excludeInvoice | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Invoice) |
excludeFilledForms | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Filled Forms) |
excludeCustomFields | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Custom Fields) |
excludeContact | If the value is true the X tag will be excluded from the XML response (Where X is Contact) |
Returns a list of Work Order Object(s) if valid arguments and search criteria are provided. If no search criteria is provided the list of a maximum 200 work orders will be returned. Returns an error if not a valid request
Returns a list of Work Order Object(s) if valid arguments and search criteria are provided. If no search criteria is provided the list of a maximum 200 work orders will be returned. Returns an error if not a valid request
Request Body XSD
Response Body XSD
Curl Example
HTTP Method: | POST |
Request: | curl -k -X POST -H "https://www.mobiwork.com/api/rest/12014/10.0.78/workOrder/list.html?token=COJL8X2FKSLMMRTYCH2B" --header 'content-type: application/xml' --data '<request><status>OPEN</status></request>' |
Response: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <response version="10.0.78" statusCode="1"> <workOrderList> <totalAvailableCount>514</totalAvailableCount> <count>514</count> <workOrder> <mobiworkWorkOrderId>3141229</mobiworkWorkOrderId> <externalId></externalId> <customerId>9</customerId> <customerName>joe rivere</customerName> <description>eawt</description> <workOrderTypeId>2341</workOrderTypeId> <workOrderType>GeneralService</workOrderType> <status>OPEN</status> <customStatusId>600</customStatusId> <customStatus>Atcustomersite</customStatus> <contact> <contactId>4732147</contactId> <customerId>4076930</customerId> <firstName>Test</firstName> <lastName>Customer</lastName> <title></title> <email>test@mobiwork.com</email> <phoneNumber>00000000000</phoneNumber> <altPhoneNumber></altPhoneNumber> <phoneExt></phoneExt> <altPhoneExt></altPhoneExt> <officePhone></officePhone> <officePhoneExt></officePhoneExt> <pin>1723</pin> <enabled>true</enabled> <createdDate>05/10/2022 16:24:01</createdDate> <fax></fax> <admin>true</admin> </contact> <location> <addressId>34015</addressId> <address1>5761 upland way</address1> <address2></address2> <city>west palm beach</city> <state>Florida</state> <zipCode>33417</zipCode> <countryId>1</countryId> <latitude>26.69634</latitude> <longitude>-80.132086</longitude> <name></name> <baseDistance>9028236</baseDistance> </location> <createdDate>Tue May 24 10:02:17 EDT 2016</createdDate> <actionItemList> <actionItem> <description>Start Time</description> <status>OPEN</status> <type>CHECK_IN</type> <externalId>null</externalId> </actionItem> <actionItem> <description>Fillout Service Form</description> <status>OPEN</status> <type>FILL_WORK_ORDER_FORM</type> <externalId>null</externalId> </actionItem> <actionItem> <description>Safety Check Completed</description> <status>OPEN</status> <type>SIMPLE_TASK</type> <externalId>null</externalId> </actionItem> <actionItem> <description>Close the Work Order</description> <status>OPEN</status> <type>CLOSE_WORK_ORDER</type> <externalId>null</externalId> </actionItem> <actionItem> <description>Stop time</description> <status>OPEN</status> <type>CHECK_OUT</type> <externalId>null</externalId> </actionItem> </actionItemList> </workOrder> |