Features - Dispatching
Mobile Dispatching

You can dispatch work orders from the field through your tablet or mobile device.

How to Access the Feature

STEP 1: If you would like to dispatch a work order from the field, first press on the button in top left corner:

STEP 2: From the side menu, scroll down until you locate the Work Orders button and then press on the button:

STEP 3: You can add a new work order or press on an existing open work order:

Dispatching From the Field

Regardless, if you choose to add a new work order or open an existing work order, you will need to update the Custom Status and if applicable, the assigned user:

From the Custom Status drop-down, select the "Dispatched" option and the work order will immediately be dispatched to the work order's assigned user:

Viewing Dispatched Work Orders

Within the MobiWork app, you will also be able to view your own assigned dispatched work orders for the specified date:

To access this view, please use the steps #1-2 indicated in the How to Access the Feature section.

To view dispatched work orders from a previous date, press on the Individual Actions button in the top right of the app:

By default the dispatched work orders scheduled for the current day will be displayed. To view dispatched work orders from other days, select the desired option from the side menu (e.g., "Previous Day," "Next Day," or "Search"):

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!