Features - Parts
Add a Part

Adding a new part or product to your business catalog has never been easier. With MobiWork not only will you be able to create new products, but you will also be able to include images, indicate if the part can be converted to an asset, and more. This section will highlight how to access the Add Part pop-up window. how to add an image to multiple parts, or to an individual part.

How to Access the Page

The subsections below will highlight the different ways to access the add part feature.

From the Parts' Drop-Down

  1. The fastest and easiest way to add a new part is by accessing the drop-down menu from the Parts feature located in your MobiWork menu:
  2. Select the "Add Part" option from the drop-down.

  3. The Add Part pop-up window will then appear.

From the Parts Catalog's More Actions

On the Parts feature page, you will also be able to import your parts from Excel. For more information on how to import your parts, please see the Import or Export Parts page:

  1. Plus Sign- Adds a new part.

  2. More Actions- Allows you to access the import drop-down actions.

To add a new part from the Parts feature page, please see the steps below:

  1. Once you are on the Parts feature page, click on the Plus Sign to add a new part:

  2. The Add Part pop-up window will then appear.

Add Product Pop-up Window

Regardless of the method that you choose to add a part, the Add Part pop-up window will appear. From this window you will be able to input the name of the part, the manufacturer, and more:

The terms listed in the Add Part pop-up window are defined below:

"Name" The designated name or title of the part for easy identification.
"Description" The description of the part
"Model" The model number of the part.
"SKU #" The stock keeping unit of the part; this can be used to store the barcode number.
"Manufacturer" The company or entity responsible for producing or creating the part.
"MPN" The Manufacturer Part Number; this number will help the manufacturer locate the specified part or product in their system.
"Advanced Options" By clicking the "Advanced Options" checkbox, you will be able to input additional information about the part; this includes the warehouse location, inventory tracking, and more.
"Asset" Specifies whether the part is eligible to be converted into an asset.
"Inventory" Specifies whether inventory tracking is enabled for the part. From this drop-down you can disable inventory tracking.
"Warehouse Location" The exact coordinates of where the part is located in the warehouse.
"Discount Allowed" Indicates if a discount is allowed on the part.
"Max Discount Percent Allowed" Indicates the maximum discount percentage allowed for the part
"Points" A numerical system used to calculate sales rankings and objectives.
"Price" The price of the part.
"Cost" How much the listed part costs your company.
"Taxable" Indicates if the product is taxable or not; if taxable, please click the checkbox.
"Category" The category that the part is classified under.
"Image" The associated image that represents the part.
Add Image

You can add an image of a part through the Add Part pop-up window:

Once you click on the Add button, the Add Image pop-up window will appear. You can upload the image to this pop-up window and then click the Save button:

Add Multiple Images

You can upload multiple images for your parts or products through the Parts "List" tab. For more information on how to access this tab, please see the Parts List (Catalog) page.

Once you are on the Parts "List" tab, access the "Upload Images" option from the More Actions button:

You will then be redirected to the Upload Images page; on this page, select the zipped image file that you would like to upload to MobiWork. Once you are satisfied with the document, click on the Upload button:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!