Features - Users
Import and Export Users

Easily transfer your user information to and from Excel, opening doors to enhanced efficiency and organization. This section guides you through the simple steps to access the dynamic import/export feature, ensuring a smooth and streamlined user data management experience.

How to Access the Page

You will be able to access the User's import and export features from the "List" tab. For more information on how to access this page, please see the User List page.

Once you are on the "List" tab, click on the More Actions button, and from the drop-down select your desired option:

  1. Import From Excel

  2. Export to Excel

Import From Excel

You can import users from your Excel document. Please note that in order to import the users correctly, the Excel document must be formatted in the correct manner (please see the image below for the correct headings and order):

Please note that:

  • Headers marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Headers marked with two asterisks (**) are conditional and are required if specific criteria are met.

Once you have entered the users in the Excel document correctly, you can upload that document to MobiWork.

  • Select the More Actions button and from the drop-down click on the "Import From Excel" option:

Upload your Excel file to the drag & drop feature and then click on the Import button:

  • To validate any emails or phone numbers click the "Strict Validation" option:

You will then be redirected to the Confirm Import page. Confirm your imported Excel file by hitting the Submit button:

Once you are redirected to the Import Users Results page, click the Done button:

The newly uploaded users from Excel will then be displayed in MobiWork with your other users.

Export to Excel

To export your users into an Excel document, you will first need to access the "List" tab. Once you click on the More Actions button, select the "Export to Excel" option from the drop-down:

  1. Select the users that you would like to export to Excel:
    • Please note that if you would like to export all your users into Excel you can click on the topmost checkbox (Multiple Selection Area):

  2. Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down menu select the "Export to Excel" option:

  3. The Excel file will automatically download, and you will be able to locate it in your computer's Download folder:

The Excel download will display the user's first and last name, their address, email, etc.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!