Customer Portal - Reports
Work Order Reports

This section will highlight how to successfully navigate to the Work Order Reports page through the Customer Portal.

Please note that the Customer Portal will only offer the Work Order Report by default. If your customer would like to pull additional reports, please contact our Sales Team for more information.

How to Access the Page

Your customer can access the Work Order Reports page by clicking on the "Work Order" drop-down from the Reports feature from the customer portal menu:

Run Report

In order for a customer to run a work order report, they will need to input the timeframe of when the work order was created:

Once the dates are inputted into the "Creation Date From:" text field and the "Creation Date To:" text field, the customer can then click on the Create Report button to run the report.

The report will then automatically download as an Excel file to the customer's computer.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!