Features - Tasks
View Task

The "Tasks" view page allows you to view, edit, and add all information for the selected task.
How to Access the Page
It can be found by -
  • Going to the "Management" -> "Tasks" main menu entry and then clicking on a task

  • Clicking on the link to the task throughout MobiWork if there is permission to take action on it
"Summary" Tab
The "Summary" tab includes information about the task including the status, description, location, creator, creation date, task list, user assigned to, tags, project, expected duration, expected completion date, reminders, and notes.

Task details within the Summary tab contain -

"Edit Task" edits the task.
"Task In Progress" is an action that will change the status of the task to in progress.
"Task Resolved" is an action that will change the status of the task to resolved.
"Task Completed" is an action that will change the status of the task to completed.
"Delete Task" is a nonreversible action that deletes the task.
"Status" includes open, acknowledged, in progress, resolved, and closed.
"Description" is the description of the task.
"Location" is the physical address of the task.
"Created By" is the user who created the task.
"Creation Date" is the creation date and time of the task.
"List" is the task list the tasks falls under.
"Private" means only the user who created the task list can view the task.
"Assigned To" is the user assigned to the task.
"Category" is the category of the task.
"Tags" are any tags associated with the task.
"Project" is the project of the task.
"Expected Duration" is the expected duration of the task.
"Expected Completion Date" is the expected completion date of the task.

You can set up reminders such as a task is due in a certain amount of days, to call the supplier to check for parts, etc.

"Reminders" within the Summary tab contain -

"Description" is the description of the reminder.
"Assigned To" is the user assigned to the reminder.
"Expiration Date" is the expiration date and time of the reminder.
"Actions" include edit and delete.
"Add Reminder" adds a reminder to this task.

"Notes" within the Summary tab contain -

"User" is the user who added the note.
"Date" is the date and time the note was added.
"Note" is the content of the note.
"Actions" include edit.
"Add Note" adds a note to this task.
"Activities" Tab
The "Activities" tab lists activity information about the task including the status, user, date, time, and duration.

The "Activities" tab contains -

"Status" include started, completed, and scheduled.
"User" is the user assigned to the activity.
"Date" is the date of the activity.
"Time" is the time of the activity.
"Duration" is the duration of the activity.
"Actions" include stop if the time tracking activity is started.
"Start Time Tracking" starts time tracking of the task.
"Schedule an Activity" adds an activity to the task.
"Documents" Tab
The "Documents" tab lists documentation information about the task including the user, date, type, and name.

The "Documents" tab contains -

"User" is the user who added the document.
"Date" is the date and time the document was added.
"Type" is the type of document that was added.
"Name" is the name of the document that was added.
"Comment" is any comment associated with the document.
"Actions" include view, edit, download, and delete.
"Add Document" adds a document to the task.
"Refresh" refreshes the contents within the documents tab to ensure the latest information is listed.