Features - Web UI Guidelines
Web User Interface
UI Guidelines include how the layout looks in MobiWork's main menu, shortcuts, home page, list page, view page, edit page, and popup dialogs.
"Breadcrumbs" are a series of hyperlinks that appear on the top of each page that show the latest pages visited by the user. When a hyperlink is clicked on it goes to that respective page.
"Expand/collapse" on the top left of the page expands MobiWork to show the main menu icons when clicked to expand and hides the main menu icons when clicked to collapse.
"Header" is the title that appears at the top of each page. Sometimes to the right can be a hyperlink, that when clicked, can change the status of that entity.
"Context Sensitive Help" is the question mark icon that is on the top right of each page that when clicked goes to the Online Help Documentation for that respective page.
"Main Menu"
The main menu include icons on the top of the screen that can be hovered over to see the features defined for your account.

The main menu has 5 icons, Management, Notifications, Analytics, Account, and Help, that have various entities within them.

"Management Main Menu Icons" include Assets, Customers, Forms, Invoices, Products, Projects, Prospects, Recurrent Routes, Sales Orders, Schedule, Recurrent Services, Tasks, Time Tracking, Work Orders, etc.
"Notifications Main Menu Icons" include Alarms, Reminders, and Messages.
"Analytics Main Menu Icons" include Dashboards, Reports, and Locations.
"Account Main Menu Icons" include Users, Devices, Billing, and Settings.
"Help Main Menu Icons" include Documentation, Support Tickets, and About Us.

The main menu icons have sub main menus within them. For instance, Customers has View Customers, Add Customer, View Territories, and Settings, Invoices has View Invoices, View Payments, and Settings, and Work Orders has View Work Orders, Add Work Order, and Settings.

Go to Account -> Settings -> Configuration -> Web Features to adjust what will appear in the main menu icons.
Shortcuts, which appear to the right of the main menu, provide easy access to needed features.

You can have multiple entities as shortcuts that can be shown on your screen.

Go to Account -> Settings -> Configuration -> Shortcuts to customize what shortcuts will appear on your screen.
"Home Page"
The home page is the screen that appears when you login. You can also access this by clicking the upper left MobiWork logo.

The home page will have dashboards that show analytics of various entities on the screen.

Examples of dashboards include reminders today, work order status, sales per user, and asset maintenance status by service type.

If the edit dashboard icon is clicked then you can customize the dashboards that will appear on the home page.
A list page will allow you to see the entity that matches your selected search in a table format. It contains more high level information than what is in the view page of the specific entity.

Most of the list pages have Free Text Search, "Show All" Search, "New Search" Search (which includes page size, sort by, save this search, search available to all users, and default saved search), Custom Fields, a Hide/Display icon, and the ability to delete saved searches.

"Free Text Search" is available to do a quick search by certain values related to the entity.
"Show All Search" shows all the available items within the entity. Sometimes this can be filtered.
"New Search Search" provides a very advanced search and it can be saved so that the same search can be executed at any time by anyone.
Custom Fields are fields configured by the user within Settings that appear in "New Search" Search.
"Hide/Display" either hides or displays the search panel. This can be done by clicking the icon to the right of the expand/collapse icon on the top left of the screen or clicking on the notch on the splitter bar to the right of the search panel.
"Page Size" within new search that indicates the number of that respective entity that will appear on a page.
"Sort By" sorts the entity in various ways such as by ID, name, and created date in ascending or descending order.
"Saved This Search" allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to all Users" allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.
"X" within the saved search that when clicked will ask you if you want to delete it.

The list page may have various tabs of the same data of the search including list and map that contain different information of the entities.

Within the tabs, generally to the left of the table are checkboxes that allow you to select the specific item(s) to perform actions within "More Actions" on the upper right of the page. To the right of the table are actions that can be performed on specific items or entities.

Most of the time the list page has "More Actions" that appears in the upper right which contain various actions (such as add, edit, delete, import, and export) that can be performed on the entity.
The view page of an entity has more granular information than what is in the list page.

This information is contained in tabs including summary, documents, payments, forms, etc.

Generally, notes, reminders, and custom fields are within the Summary tab.

Above each table are action buttons such as edit, add reminder, add note, etc.

Most of the time the view page has "More Actions" that appears in the upper right which contain various actions (such as add, edit, delete, import, and export) that can be performed on the entity.
The edit page allows you to edit the entity to change the values within it. Tooltips appear when you hover over a field.
"Popup Dialogs"
Some entities within MobiWork have popups which allow you to view the information without going to a different page. This is useful as you can drag the window and see the information behind it. If you close the window you see the previous screen you were on.

Common themes for popup dialogs are the action buttons (such as save, close, and cancel at the bottom) and "More Actions" at the top right of the page.

The edges of the popup dialog can be dragged to change the size.

To move from popup view to normal page view click the icon on the top left of the page.