Features - Inventory
User Inventory List
User inventory is inventory for all users. The "User Inventory" list page allows the user inventory to be viewed, edited, exported, imported, and searched for from the viewpoint of the user.
How to Access the Page
It can be found by -
  • Clicking the "User Inventory" shortcut

  • Going to the "Management" -> "Products" -> "View Users Inventory" main menu entry
Free Text Search

Free Text Search is available to do a quick search by username, user ID, product ID, or name.
"Show All" Search
"Show All" shows all the user inventory.
"New Search" Search
"New Search" provides a very advanced search and it can be saved so that the same search can be executed at any time by anyone.

Click "New Search" to conduct a new search.

"New Search" contains -

"User" is the user that has the inventory.
"Product ID" is the ID of the product.
"Product Name" is the name of the product.
"Stock Level" is the inventory threshold set by the administrator for a product.
"Serial Number" is the serial number of the product.
"Save this Search" allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to all Users" allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.
"More Actions"
"More Actions" include Export and Import User Inventory (via Excel).
"List" Tab
The "List" tab allows you to see the user inventory that matches your selected search in a table format.

The "List" tab contains -

"User" is the user that has the inventory.
"Product" is the name of the product.
"Stock" is the stock of the product.
"Serial Numbers" are the serial numbers of the product.
"Low" is the total inventory threshold set by the administrator for the product. This will trigger corresponding MobiRules (prompting the administrator to reorder stock).
"Std" is the ideal inventory for the product set by the administrator.
"High" is the opposite of low. It is the inventory threshold set by administrator for the product to mark that there is too much inventory for it.
"Actions" include edit, edit stock, back to warehouse, and view product inventory.
"Edit" allows the price and quantity of the user inventory to be edited.
"Edit Stock" allows the stock of the user inventory to be edited.
"Back to Warehouse" sends the selected stock back to the warehouse.
"View Product Inventory" views the product's inventory.