Features - Warehouses
Delete Warehouses

Once a warehouse becomes obsolete, MobiWork makes it easy to remove it from your account. Deleting a warehouse in MobiWork is a quick and straightforward process with multiple ways to initiate the action.

MobiWork even allows you to delete multiple warehouses at once, thus helping you to save time when managing larger inventories. With multiple ways to remove and manage your warehouses, MobiWork ensures that your warehouse data remains current and up-to-date.

Important: Once you delete a warehouse it will be permanently removed from the system. However, you cannot delete a warehouse if there are any parts or assets still registered in its inventory.

How to Access the Page

To delete a warehouse, you will first need to be on the Warehouses feature tab on MobiWork; for more information on how to access this page, please see the Warehouse List section.

Once you are on this page, there are four different ways you can edit the warehouse:

  1. Clicking on the warehouse ID to open the View Warehouse pop-up window:

    • In the upper right-corner of the View Warehouse pop-up window, you will see the Individual Actions button. You can delete the warehouse by selecting the "Delete" option:

    • Please note that there are many ways that you can access the View Warehouse pop-up window. Please see the View Warehouse page for the different ways that you can open the View Warehouse pop-up window.

  2. Right-clicking on a warehouse to open the right-click options. (The options that are displayed when you right-click on a warehouse are also available when you select the Individual Actions button.)

  3. Selecting the More Actions button from the "Global Actions" section. Please note that this option will give you the ability to delete multiple warehouses at once.

  4. Clicking on the Individual Actions button (the three vertical dots) from the "Actions" column. (The options that are displayed from the Individual Actions button are the same as when you right-click on a warehouse.)

Delete Warehouse

Regardless of how you choose to delete a warehouse, the Confirm Delete pop-up window will automatically appear:

If you are sure you would like to delete the selected warehouse, click the Yes button.

Note: Please note that you cannot delete a warehouse if there are any parts or assets still registered in its inventory.

Delete Multiple Warehouses

MobiWork allows you to delete multiple warehouses at once, thus saving you time and energy from having to delete warehouses one at a time.

To delete multiple warehouses, you will need to access the More Actions button from the Warehouse "List" tab:

  1. Check off the desired warehouses you would like to delete; if you would like to delete all your warehouses you can click on the topmost checkbox (Multiple Selection Area) located in the Warehouse "List" tab column:

    • Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete Selected Warehouses" option:

  2. A warning will then appear asking to confirm if you would like to delete the selected warehouses, and informing you that the deletion of the warehouses will be permanent:

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm deletion of the warehouse. Once confirmed, the warehouses will automatically be deleted from MobiWork.

Note: Please note that you cannot delete a warehouse if there are any parts or assets still registered in its inventory.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!