Features - Warehouses
View Warehouse

The View Warehouse pop-up window provides detailed information about a specified warehouse, including its location address and the MobiWork creation date.

You will also be able to add notes or documents related to the warehouse, as well as view the quantity of parts or assets stored in the warehouse. With this feature, you can easily manage and track your warehouse details.

How to Access the Page

There are several different ways you can access the View Warehouse pop-up window in MobiWork.

The following sections demonstrate some common methods of how to access the View Warehouse pop-up window from your MobiWork web platform.

Warehouse List Page

The easiest way to access the View Warehouse pop-up window is through the "List" tab. For more information on how to access the "List" tab, please see the Warehouse List page.

Once you are on the "List" tab, there are four different ways to access the View Warehouse pop-up window:

  1. Select the desired warehouse ID.

  2. Right-click on the selected warehouse and click on the "View" option from the drop-down.

  3. Click on the "View" option from the Individual Actions drop-down.

  4. Select the Paper icon under the "Actions" column.

Inventory Tab

Another way you can access the View Warehouse pop-up window is through the View Part's pop-up window "Inventory" tab. For more information on how to access this tab, please see the View Part page:

If a part or product listed under this tab originates from a specific warehouse, you will have the ability to access that warehouse. To access the View Warehouse pop-up window click on the warehouse name under the "Location" column:

Warehouse View Layout

Overview and Layout

Once you open the View Warehouse pop-up window, you will be automatically directed to the "Summary" tab:

These features are available in all seven tabs and in both, the pop-up window, and the full-size view:

  1. Warehouse Full-Size View

  2. Warehouse Tabs

  3. Warehouse ID

  4. Upper Right Corner Actions

Please note that if you would like to easily close this pop-up window, you can click on the esc button from your keyboard

Work Order Full-Size View

By clicking on the upwards arrow in the left-hand corner, you can expand the View Warehouse pop-up window so that it is full-size:

The full-size View Warehouse pop-up window can be seen below. All the tabs, buttons, and features are identical to how they would appear in the pop-up window:

Warehouse Tabs

There are seven tabs in all for the View Warehouse pop-up window; each tab displays different information regarding the warehouse:

You can navigate to other tabs by clicking on the desired tab.

Warehouse ID

The warehouse ID and will be displayed towards the top of the View Warehouse pop-up window:

Upper Right Corner Actions

In the upper right corner of the View Warehouse pop-up window there will be four buttons that will allow you to perform additional actions on the warehouse:

  1. The Pencil icon will allow you to edit the warehouse's data.

  2. The Individual Actions button will allow you to perform various actions, such as:

    • Editing the warehouse.

    • Deleting the warehouse.

  3. The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  4. The X button will close out of the View Warehouse pop-up window.

Upper Right Corner Actions (Detailed)

The Warehouse's Upper Right Corner Actions can be found in the top-right corner of the View Warehouse pop-up window. These actions are located in this section, regardless of the tab you are on:

The Upper Right Corner Actions section includes:

  • The Pencil icon will allow you to edit the warehouse's data.

  • The Individual Actions button will allow you to perform various actions.

  • The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  • The X button will close out of the View Warehouse pop-up window.

After clicking on the vertical three dots in the top-right corner, the Individual Actions drop-down menu will appear:

From the Individual Actions drop-down menu, you can select various actions that will help manage the specified warehouse.

The complete list of actions found in the Individual Actions drop-down menu are defined below:

"Edit" Edits the selected warehouse.
"Delete" Deletes the selected warehouse.
Summary Tab

The "Summary" tab is the default tab you will be directed to; it will display all the requisite information regarding a warehouse.

You will be able to view the name of the warehouse, the location where the warehouse resides, the creation date, and more:

You can also add notes pertaining to the warehouse.

The definitions for the terms found in the "Summary" tab are below:

"Name" The name of the warehouse.
"Location" The location where the warehouse resides.
"Creation Date" The date that the warehouse was created in MobiWork.
"Default" Indicates if the warehouse is the primary warehouse for your company.
Documents Tab

The "Documents" tab will allow you to store warehouse-specific documentation (e.g., photos, building lease.) for future use. This tab will also list the type of document file, the date it was uploaded, the user who uploaded it, and more.

Only after you upload a file or document to this tab will you be able to access the Action options:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

  2. The Plus Sign will add a new document or file.

  3. The topmost Individual Actions will allow you to add a new document or refresh the tab.

  4. The Paper icon will allow you to view the image file in a new tab, window, or allow you to download the document.

  5. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

The terms found in the "Documents" columns are defined below:

"Name" The name of the document.
"Date" The date that the document or image file was uploaded.
"Type" The type of document (e.g., PDF, Word, image, Excel, etc.).
"User" The user who uploaded the document or file.
"Comment" Any comments or notes associated with the document.
"Actions" Allows you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.
Users Tab

The "Users" tab will allow you to manage which users are associated with the specified warehouse.

You can add users by clicking the Plus Sign button in the top-right corner.

Likewise, you can select the "Manage Users" option from the Individual Actions button drop-down. In both cases, the Manage Users pop-up window will appear.

From this pop-up window, you will be able to select the desired users and move them to the desired column.

"User" The user assigned to the warehouse.
"Date" The date that the user was assigned to the warehouse.
Assets Tab

The "Assets" tab will allow you to view the assets associated with the warehouse.

If you would like to add assets to a warehouse, please see the Transfer Assets page:

From the "Assets" tab, you will be able to access the View Asset pop-up window by right-clicking on the asset and selecting the "View" option, selecting the "View" option from the Individual Actions button, or simply by clicking on the asset ID.

The definitions for the terms found in the "Assets" tab are below:

"ID" A unique identifying number assigned to each asset for tracking and reference purposes.
"Image" The image icon that represents the asset.
"Name" The name of the asset.
"Category" The category that the asset is classified under.
"Serial Number" The serial number of the asset.
"SKU" The stock keeping unit of the asset; this can be used to store the barcode number.
"Actions" The Paper icon and the Individual Actions button are located here; either option will allow you to access the View Asset pop-up window.
Parts Tab

The "Assets" tab will allow you to view the assets associated with the warehouse.

To add parts or products to a warehouse, please see the Add and Transfer Stock page.

From the "Parts" tab, you will be able to access the View Parts pop-up window by right-clicking on the part and selecting the "View" option, selecting the "View" option from the Individual Actions button, or by clicking on the part ID.

The definitions for the terms found in the "Parts" tab are below:

"ID" A unique identifying number assigned to each part for tracking and reference purposes.
"Image" The image icon that represents the part.
"Name" The name of the part.
"Model" The model number of the part.
"Price" The list price of the part or service; this is the price that the customer will be charged.
"Inventory" Displays the warehouse's stock levels for the part.
"Actions" The Paper icon and the Individual Actions button are located here; either option will allow you to access the View Part pop-up window.
Delivery Items Tab

The "Delivery Items" tab will allow you to view the delivery items associated with the warehouse:

History Tab

The "History" tab lists the historically recorded details of the warehouse, including status dates, the time duration of the status, description of any updates, and more.

The "History" tab has three different subsections that stores historical data of the warehouse. These columns are the "Created and Last Modified," "Status Events," and "History" subsections:

Created and Last Modified

The "Created and Last Modified" subsection will display the date that the warehouse was created and the last time it was modified.

The terms found in the "Created and Last Modified" subsection are defined below:

"Created Date" The date that the warehouse was created.
"Last Modified Date" The last time that the warehouse was updated.

Status Events

The "Status Events" subsection will display how long the warehouse was in the designated status.

The terms found in the "Status Events" subsection are defined below:

"Custom Status" The designated custom status of the warehouse.
"From" The date that the custom status was assigned to the warehouse.
"To" The date that the custom status was no longer assigned to the warehouse.
"Time Spent in Status" The total time duration that the warehouse spent in the designated status.


The "History" column will display the historical data of the warehouse (e.g., adding documents to the warehouse, and more). The data in this box will automatically generate when a specified event or status is reached.

The terms found in the "History" column are defined below:

"Date" The listed date indicates when the activity took place.
"Activity Type" What kind of activity was performed on the warehouse.
"Description" The description of the activity.
"User" The user who performed the activity.
Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!