Features - Work Orders
View Work Order PDF

Within MobiWork you can view your work orders in a PDF file or print them; this section will detail how to access these options, the layout of PDF work order, and more.

How to Access the Page

There are two features where you can export your work order into a PDF file or print the work order. One method, involves accessing the Work Order "List" tab; please see Work Order List page for more information on how to access this page.

Once you are on the "List" tab there are two different ways you can access your PDF work order:

Work Order ID- Once you click on the Work Order ID, you will be directed to the View Work Order pop-up window. From this window you can:
  • Click on the PDF button

  • Click on the Individual Actions and select the "View Work Order PDF" option from the drop-down

  • Click on the Individual Actions button and select the "View Work Order & Invoice PDF" option from the drop-down.

  • Click on the Individual Actions button and select the "Export Pick List" option to export a PDF copy of the work order's pick list.

  • Click on the Individual Actions and select the "Send Email With PDF" option from the drop-down:

  • Please note that there are many ways that you can access the View Work Order pop-up window. Please see the View Work Order page for the different ways that you can open the View Work Order pop-up window.

Once you export your work order into a PDF, open the downloaded file from your downloads folder.

Export Individual Work Orders (PDF)

You can export an individual work order by right-clicking on the selected work order, clicking on the Individual Actions of the selected work order, or through the View Work Order pop-up window. Once downloaded the PDF can be located in the downloaded folder.

There are several different PDFs that you can export work order data to; the different types of PDFs are outlined below:

  • The PDF icon, "View Work Order PDF" option, and "View Work Order & Invoice PDF" option will export the work order into the standard Work Order PDF. You can see the layout of this PDF, in the Work Order PDF Layout section.

  • The "Pick List" option will export work order data (e.g., summary data, customer information, work order history, etc.) on the exported PDF. You can see the layout of this PDF, in the Work Order Pick List Layout section.

Work Order PDF Layout

Your work order PDF will display your company image, any parts or services that will be used for the work order, a line where the customer can sign, and more.

Users in the field can include images of any work that needs to be performed and any work that has been performed in the work order PDF:

  1. The image for your company logo will be displayed here; want to use another logo for your company? Please see Account Settings for further instructions

  2. Displays your company name and address

  3. Displays the user in charge of the work order, the date that the work order will be performed, and the work order ID

  4. Displays the customer and address

  5. Displays the bill to customer's name and address

  6. A signature area for the customer to grant the user approval to perform the services detailed in the work order

  7. Displays the itemized list of all the services and parts performed for the work order. Also, includes an area for the customer's approval signature

  8. Displays the closing salutation for your work order and a smaller image of your company logo

Note: Please note that unlike the quote or invoice PDF, the generic work order template does not include any pricing information.

Custom Work Order Options

MobiWork also offers additional custom options for your PDF work order. Please contact our Sales Team to get price estimates.

The image below is an example of a customized work order PDF that MobiWork can personalize for your company:

Work Order Pick List Layout

When you select the "Export Pick List" you will be able to export your work order data (e.g., summary data, customer information, work order history, etc.) to a PDF document:

The Pick List PDF will have the following information:

  1. Summary Information regarding the work order (i.e., Work Order ID, Work Order Title, Status, and Creation Date)

  2. Customer name and contact information

  3. The assigned user and contact information

  4. The location of the work order

  5. Any notes related to the work order

  6. The work order history

Send Email With PDF

To send your customer a PDF copy of the work order to sign, you must first be on the View Work Order pop-up window. Once you are on this pop-up window, click on the Individual Actions button in the upper right corner.

From the drop-down, select the "Send Email With PDF" option:

You will then be redirected to the Send Work Order page. On this page, input the recipient email address, the subject, and the email message. Once you are satisfied with your message, click the Send button:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!