Features - Customers
Delete or Disable Customer

MobiWork will allow you to delete a single customer or multiple customers at once. You also have the option to disable customers.

When you disable a customer, you will be unable to create new Work Orders for selected customer and they will no longer show up on the "Customers List" tab.

Important: Once you delete a customer they will be permanently removed from the system. If you would like to remove a customer from your list, we recommend you disable them instead.

Please note that if there are any work orders connected to a customer you will be unable to delete the customer.

How to Access the Page

To delete or disable customers you first need to be in the Customers feature page. For more information about this page, please see the Customers List page for more information:

  1. Select the desired Customer ID and once the View Customer pop-up window appears, click on the Individual Actions button. From the drop-down choose the "Delete" or "Disable" option:

  2. Right-click on the selected customer and choose either the "Delete" or "Disable" option.

  3. Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete Selected Customers" or "Disable Selected Customers" option; please note that this option will allow you to delete or disable multiple customers at once.

  4. Click on the Individual Actions button and from the drop-down choose either the "Delete" or "Disable" option.

Delete a Single Customer

Regardless of how you choose to delete an individual customer:

  • Selecting the desired Customer ID and once the View Customer pop-up window appears, clicking on the Individual Actions button. From the drop-down choose the "Delete" option:
  • Right-clicking on the selected customer and choosing the "Delete" option from the drop-down:
  • Or clicking on the Individual Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete" option:

The Confirm Delete pop-up window will automatically appear:

If you are sure you would like to delete the selected customer, click the Yes button. Please note that this action is permanent and any corresponding work orders and scheduled activities related to the customer will also be removed.

Delete Multiple Customers

MobiWork allows you to delete multiple customers at once, thus saving you time and energy from having to delete customers one at a time.

To delete multiple customers, you will need to access the More Actions button from the Customers feature page:

  1. Check off the desired customers you would like to delete; if you would like to delete all your customers you can click on the topmost checkbox (Multiple Selection Area) located in the Customers feature page:
    • Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete Selected Customers" option:

  2. A warning will then appear asking to confirm if you would like to delete the selected customers, and informing you that the deletion of the customers without work orders will be permanent:
  3. Type the requested number in the text box and then click the Yes button to confirm deletion. Once confirmed, the customers will automatically be deleted from MobiWork.
Disable a Customer

Regardless of how you decide to disable a customer:

  • Selecting the desired Customer ID and once the View Customer pop-up window appears, clicking on the Individual Actions button. From the drop-down choose the "Disable" option:
  • Right-clicking on the selected customer and choosing the "Disable" option from the drop-down:
  • Or clicking on the Individual Actions button and from the drop-down selecting the "Disable" option:

The Confirm Disable pop-up window will automatically appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm that you would like the selected customer to be disabled. Once confirmed, the customer will automatically be disabled, and you will no longer be able to create work orders for the customer from MobiWork. Furthermore, all future work orders and scheduled activities will be deleted.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!