Features - Inventory
Stock Audits List
The "Stock Audits" list page audits the inventory (stock) of products.
How to Access the Page
It can be found by -
  • Clicking the "Stock Audits" shortcut

  • Going to the "Management" -> "Products" -> "View Inventory Audit" main menu entry
Free Text Search

Free Text Search is available to do a quick search by stock audit ID or name.
"Show All" Search
"Show All" shows all the .
"New Search" Search
"New Search" provides a very advanced search and it can be saved so that the same search can be executed at any time by anyone.

Click "New Search" to conduct a new search.

"New Search" contains -

"User" is the user who created the stock audit.
"Creation Date" is the creation date of the stock audit.
"Sort By" sorts by creation date, status, or ID in ascending or descending order.
"Save this Search" allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to all Users" allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.
"List" Tab
The "List" tab allows you to see

The "List" tab contains -

"ID" is the ID of the stock audit.
"Category ID"
"Created Date" is the creation date of the stock audit.
"User" is the user who created the stock audit.
"Actions" include view.