Features - Customers
Send Reminders to Your Users

Empower your MobiWork users with the ability to receive timely notifications regarding your customers, prompting them to take action, connect with customers, and meet critical deadlines with the "Send Reminders to Your Users" feature.

Unleash the true potential of your customer management and elevate your customer engagement to new heights. Our robust reminder feature is not just a convenience; it is your secret weapon for ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. This section will highlight how to add, edit, and delete these reminders.

How to Access the Page

To send reminders to your users, you must first be on the Customers feature page. For more information on how to access this page, please see the Customers List page.

    Note: Please note that if a customer already has a reminder, the "Add Reminder" option will be replaced with the "Edit Reminder" option. If a customer does not have a reminder, then the "Add Reminder" option will appear.

From the Customers feature page, there are several different ways to add, edit, and remove reminders. The following image will highlight how to access these actions:

  1. Select the desired Customer ID and once the View Customer pop-up window appears, click on the Plus Sign button from the "Reminders" column:

    • You can also edit any existing reminders that have been added by clicking the Pencil button.

  2. To edit or add a reminder for a customer, simply right-click on the customer's profile and choose the "Add Reminder" option from the drop-down menu. If a reminder already exists, select the "Edit Reminder" option instead.

  3. To edit multiple reminders, click on the More Actions button and then select the "Edit Selected Reminders" option.

  4. To delete multiple reminders, click on the More Actions button and then select the "Delete Selected Reminders" option.

  5. To edit or add a reminder for a customer, simply click on the Individual Actions and choose the "Add Reminder" option from the drop-down menu. If a reminder already exists, select the "Edit Reminder" option instead.

Add a Reminder

There are several different ways to add a reminder to a customer's profile. Please see the How to Access the Page section for more information on how to access this action.

Please note that if the customer's profile already has a reminder, then the "Add Reminder" action will instead display as "Edit Reminder."

Once you select the "Add Reminder" action the Add Reminder pop-up window will appear:

Select the date & time, the user in charge of the customer, the category, priority, and write a description of the reminder in the text field.

Once you are done composing your reminder, click the Save button.

Edit a Reminder

You can either edit an individual reminder or multiple reminders. The subsections below will highlight how to access and update your selected reminders.

Edit an Individual Reminder

There are several different ways to edit a reminder. Please see the How to Access the Page section for more information on how to access this action.

Please note that if the customer's profile does not have a reminder, then the "Edit Reminder" action will instead display as "Add Reminder."

Regardless of the method you choose to edit a reminder the Edit Reminder pop-up window will appear:

Once you have finished updating the reminder click the Save button.

Edit Selected Reminders

You can edit multiple reminders with the "Edit Selected Reminders" option from your MobiWork web application:

After selecting this option, the Edit Multiple Reminders pop-up window will appear:

In this pop-up window input the:

  • Reminder date and time.

  • The user the reminder is intended for.

  • The priority level of the reminder (e.g., high, medium, low).

  • And the description of the new reminder.

Once you are satisfied with the changes, click the Yes button to confirm.

Delete Reminders

You can either delete an individual reminder or multiple reminders. The subsections below will highlight how to access and remove your selected reminders.

Delete an Individual Reminder

In the View Customer pop-up window, locate the "Reminders" column and click on the Trash Can button to delete the selected reminder:

Once you click on the Trash Can button, the Confirm Delete pop-up window will appear.

To confirm the deletion of the reminder, click the Yes button.

Delete Selected Reminders

You can delete multiple reminders with the "Delete Selected Reminders" drop-down from the More Actions button:

After selecting this option, the Delete Multiple Reminders pop-up window will appear asking to confirm the deletion of the reminders:

To confirm deletion, click on the Yes button; the reminders will then automatically be removed from the system.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!