Features - Quotes
Edit Quote

Unlock the full potential of your quotes with MobiWork's intuitive edit feature. With this feature you can make adjustments with ease, whether you need to modify the status, deposit amount, assigned user, or any other essential details. By simply accessing the "Edit" option within your quote management interface, you can seamlessly navigate through various fields and make real-time changes.

With MobiWork's user-friendly interface, mastering the art of quote customization has never been easier. This section will highlight how to effectively utilize the edit feature, and thus grant you the power to tailor your quotes to perfection.

How to Access the Page

There are several ways you can edit a quote within MobiWork. You can edit the quote either through the Quote feature page or through the View Customer pop-up window. The subsections below will go over some common methods of editing quotes.

Quote List Tab

The most direct way to update a quote is through the "List" tab. For more information on how to access this page, please see the Quotes List section for more information.

Once, you are on the "List" tab there are several different ways you can edit a quote:

  1. You can click on the Quote ID to open the View Quote pop-up window:

    • In the upper right-corner of the View Quote pop-up window, you will see the Individual Actions button. From the drop-down you can choose to edit the quote or edit the status:
    • Please note that there are several ways that you can access the View Quote pop-up window. Please see the View Quote page for the different ways that you can open the View Quote pop-up window.

  2. You can select the More Actions button from the "Global Actions." Please note that this option will give you the ability to edit multiple quotes at once.

  3. You can right-click on a quote to open the right-click options (the options that are displayed when you right-click on a quote, are also available when you select the Individual Actions button).

  4. Or you can click on the Individual Actions button (the three vertical dots) from the "Actions" column (the options that are displayed from the Individual Actions button are the same as when you right-click on a quote).


To see how to access the View Customer pop-up window, please see the View Customer page:

  1. Once you open the View Customer pop-up window select the "Quotes" tab:

    1. You can right-click on a quote to access the right-click options and select the "Edit" option from the drop-down menu.

    2. Or you can click on the Individual Actions of a specific quote and select the "Edit" option from the drop-down menu.

  2. Regardless of the method chosen, the Edit Quote pop-up window will appear.

Edit an Individual Quote

The option to edit a quote is different from editing the status; with the edit option you can update more fields (e.g., the status, the date, if a deposit is required, comments, etc.). The option to edit the status will only change the status of a selected quote.

There are several different ways to edit an individual quote. The aforementioned section, How to Access the Page, will illustrate how to access the Edit Quote pop-up window.

Edit a Quote Pop-up Window

If you choose to edit an individual quote, the Edit Quote pop-up window will then appear:

"Expiration Date" The date that the quote is due to expire if not approved or rejected.
"PO Number" The purchase order number of the sale.
"Title" The name and brief description of the quote.
"Contact" The customer's contact name.
"Sales Tax" The sales tax percentage for the quote.
"Deposit Required" The amount of money for the quote, that is required to be prepaid before a service, appointment, or action can be done. Once selected, you will be able to input the deposit amount.
"Deposit Amount" The amount being paid by the customer for the quote's initial deposit.
"Status" The status of the quote (e.g., "Open," "Checked Out," "Waiting for Clarification," "Waiting for Approval," "Change Requested," "Approved," "Rejected," and "Completed").
"Percentage" The percentage field is for your sales pipeline and relates to the probability that the quote will convert into a sale.
"Assigned To" The user assigned to the quote.
"Sold By" The user who made the quote sale.
"Lump Sum View" If you prefer not to display individual prices and costs for line items, you can use the "Lump Sum View" option.
Edit Quote Line Items

You will be able to edit the parts, services, and sections listed in the quote's line items. The following subsections will illustrate how to edit these different line item entries.

Edit Part

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected part's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Edit" option. You can also click on the Pencil icon:

Once you click on the "Edit" option or the Pencil icon, the Edit Part pop-up window will appear:

In this pop-up window you can edit the following details:

  • Description- You can edit the description of the part or product. This field is optional.

  • Section- You can also move the part to a specific section for better organization of the quote line items.

  • Price and Cost- These fields will be automatically filled based on the saved data you have in your parts catalog; however, you can directly edit the price and cost. For more information about your parts catalog, please see the Parts List (Catalog) page.

  • Quantity- Specify the quantity of the part or product needed for the quote.

  • Discount- If applicable, you can edit the individual discount for the selected part.

Edit Service

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected service's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Edit" option. You can also click on the Pencil icon:

Once you click on the "Edit" option or the Pencil icon, the Edit Service pop-up window will appear:

In this pop-up window you can edit the following details:

  • Description- You can edit the description of the service. This field is optional.

  • Section- You can also move the service to a specific section for better organization of the quote line items.

  • Price and Cost- These fields will be automatically filled based on the saved data you have in your services catalog; however, you can directly edit the price and cost. For more information about your services catalog, please see the Services Catalog (list) page.

  • Quantity- Specify the hours worked by the user for the service indicated.

  • Discount- If applicable, you can edit the individual discount for the selected service.

Edit Section

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected section's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Edit" option.

Once you click on the "Edit" option, the Edit Section pop-up window will appear:

In this pop-up window you can edit the following details:

  • Header- You can edit the name of the section.

  • Description- You can edit the description of the section.

  • Lump Sum View- You can choose to uncheck or check the "Lump Sum View" option. By clicking on the lump sum view for the Edit pop-up window, you will be able to hide the individual line items for the items listed in the specified section. This option is different from the "Lump Sum View" checkbox in the Add Quote pop-up window and the Edit Quote pop-up window; this lump sum view will apply to the entire quote.

  • Type- The type drop-down indicates the category (i.e., Required, Optional, Alternate) to which the section, along with its corresponding parts and services, belongs. Optional or Alternate sections allow customers to select the options they prefer from the emailed quote. This is especially helpful for Good, Better, Best estimates.

  • Selection- If you select the Optional or Alternate types, then the "Selection" field will appear. This field will indicate if the parts or services in the section are selected by default.

  • Image- Allows you to upload a small image for the section.

You can move the parts or services to a specified section through the Edit Part or Edit Service pop-up window and selecting the desired section from the "Section" drop-down.

Note: Please note that you cannot edit an overall discount or markup. If you would like to replace a specific discount or markup, you will first need to delete the selected discount or markup and then add the desired discount or markup. For more information on adding or deleting discounts and markups, please see the Add a Quote and Delete a Quote pages.

Edit the Quote Status

Instead of editing the entire quote, MobiWork gives you the option to update the status. There are several different ways to edit the status for an individual quote; the section, How to Access the Page, will illustrate how to access the edit status action.

Edit the Quote Status

The "Edit Status" option for a quote will allow you to edit the custom status of a quote. For more information about the quote status, please see the View Quote page.

You can edit an individual quote's custom status with the following method:

  1. You can open the View Quote pop-up window and select the "Edit Status" option from the drop-down:
  2. From this pop-up window, select the new status and click the Save button:

Edit Multiple Quotes

MobiWork allows you to edit multiple quotes at once, thus saving you time from having to update quotes one at a time. You can update multiple quotes in two ways:

  • Through the More Actions button

  • Or through Excel

With More Actions

You can access the More Actions button through the Quote feature page. For more information on how to access this page, please see the View Quote page.

To edit the custom status of multiple quotes you will need to:

  1. Check off the desired quotes you would like to edit; if you would like to edit all your quotes you can click on the topmost checkbox (Multiple Selection Area) located in the "List" column:

    • Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Edit Selected" option:
  2. Once you click on the "Edit Selected" option the Edit Selected Quote pop-up window will appear:

  3. From the pop-up window, select the new value for the status.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the new status for all your quotes click on the Save button.

With Excel

You can also edit quotes in bulk through Excel; this process will enable you to update more than just the status of the quotes:

  1. First, you would need to select the desired quotes and export them to Excel. For more information on how to export quotes please see the Export Quotes page.

  2. Once you have the exported file, you can make the changes directly to the Excel document:
  3. Once you are done updating your quotes, you can import the Excel file back into MobiWork. For more information on how to import quotes, please see the Import Quotes page.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!