Features - Quotes
View Quote

Discover the key to unlocking the full potential of your quotes with MobiWork's dynamic View Quote pop-up window. This intuitive feature serves as your gateway to a treasure trove of essential information, providing insights into deposit specifics, quote-related documents, and beyond. But that is not all- within the View Quote pop-up window, you can seamlessly create work orders, projects, invoices, invoice deposits, add payments, and more, all from a single interface designed to streamline your workflow and maximize productivity.

In this section, we will delve into how to access and leverage this versatile pop-up window, exploring the myriad tabs and functions available at your fingertips. From managing deposit details to generating invoices and tracking payments, the View Quote pop-up window empowers you to take control of your quotes and estimates with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

How to Access the Page

There are several different ways you can access the View Quote pop-up window in MobiWork.

The following sections demonstrate some common methods of how to access the View Quote pop-up window from your MobiWork web platform.

Quote List Page

The easiest way to access the View Quote pop-up window is through the "List" tab. For more information on how to access the "List" tab, please see the Quote List page.

Once you are on the "List" tab, there are four different ways to access the View Quote pop-up window:

  1. Select the desired quote ID.

  2. Select the Paper icon under the "Actions" column.

  3. Right-click on the selected quote and click on the "View" option from the drop-down.

  4. Click on the "View" option from the Individual Actions drop-down.

You can use these features to access the View Quote pop-up window only in the "List" tab.

To see how to access the View Quote pop-up window from the "Kanban" tab please see the following subsection:

    Quotes Tab: Kanban

    For more information on how to access the "Kanban" tab please see the Quote List page.

    Click on the quote to open the View Quote pop-up window:


Another way you can access the View Quotes pop-up window is through the View Customer pop-up window. For more information on how to access the View Customer pop-up window please see the View Customer page.

Once you are on this page select the "Quotes" tab:

All the quotes associated with the customer will be displayed on this tab; there are four different ways to access a quote from this tab:

  1. Select the desired quote ID.

  2. Select the Paper icon under the "Actions" column.

  3. Right-click on the selected quote and click on the "View" option from the drop-down.

  4. Click on the "View" option from the Individual Actions drop-down.


Another way you can access the View Quotes pop-up window is through the View Invoice pop-up window. For more information on how to access the View Invoice pop-up window please see the View Invoice page.

If the invoice was generated from a quote, you can click on the quote ID directly from the "Summary" tab; this action will open the View Quote pop-up window:

Regardless of the method that you choose to access the View Quote pop-up window, it will automatically appear.

Quote View Layout

Once you open the View Quote pop-up window, you will be automatically directed to the "Summary" tab:

These features are available in all four tabs and in both, the pop-up window, and the full-size view:

  1. Quote Full-Size View

  2. Quote Tabs

  3. Quote ID and Status

  4. Upper Right Corner Actions

Please note that if you would like to easily close this pop-up window, you can click on the esc button from your keyboard.

Quote Full-Size View

By clicking on the upwards arrow in the left-hand corner, you can expand the View Quote pop-up window so that it is full-size:

The full-size View Quote pop-up window can be seen below. All the tabs, buttons, and features are identical to how they would appear in the pop-up window:

Quotes Tabs

There are four tabs in all for the View Quote pop-up window; each tab displays different information regarding the quote:

You can navigate to other tabs by clicking on the desired tab.

Quote ID and Status

The quote ID and the status will be displayed towards the top of the View Quote pop-up window:

The quote status indicates the current stage of the quote; for example, if the customer has approved the quote, the quote will be in the "Approved" status.

You can quickly change the status of the quote by clicking on the status and selecting the desired new status.

The statuses that are available are:

  • "Open"- If the quote has been generated but not sent to the customer.

  • Checked Out- The quote is ready to be submitted to the customer.

  • "Waiting for Clarification"- Further clarification is being requested regarding the quote.

  • "Waiting for Approval"- The quote is pending approval from the customer.

  • Change Requested- The customer has requested changes to the quote.

  • "Approved"- The quote has been approved by the customer.

  • "Rejected"- The quote has been rejected by the customer.

  • Completed- The quote has been approved and no pending changes or payment deposits are needed.

The Quote ID will always remain unchanged, serving as a reliable method of identification.

Upper Right Corner Actions

In the upper right corner of the View Quote pop-up window there will be six buttons that will allow you to perform additional actions on the quote:

  1. The Magnifying Glass provides access to the customer preview of the quote.

  2. The PDF button will allow you to export the quote into a PDF document.

  3. The Individual Actions button will allow you to perform various actions, such as:

    • Editing the quote itself or the quote status.

    • Deleting the quote.

    • Adding a part, service, discount, markup, or section to the quote's line items.

    • Adding a payment for quote's deposit.

    • Viewing the customer preview version of the quote.

    • Exporting the quote PDF.

    • Text or email the quote to the customer.

    • Creating an invoice for the deposit amount only. This will create a partial invoice.

    • Creating an invoice.

    • Creating work orders.

    • Creating purchase orders.

    • Creating sales orders.

    • Creating a project.

    • Creating a recurrent service.

    • Creating a template from the specified quote.

  4. The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  5. The X will close out of the View Quote pop-up window.

Upper Right Corner Actions (Detailed)

The Quote's Upper Right Corner Actions can be found in the top-right corner of the View Quote pop-up window. These actions are located in this section, regardless of the tab you are on:

The Upper Right Corner Actions section includes:

  • The Magnifying Glass will allow you to view the customer preview of the quote.

  • The PDF button will allow you to export the quote into a PDF document.

  • The Refresh button will allow you to refresh the quote's data to the most up-to-date version.

  • The Individual Actions will allow you to perform various actions.

  • The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  • The X will close out of the View Quote pop-up window.

After clicking on the vertical three dots in the top-right corner, the Individual Actions drop-down menu will appear:

From the Individual Actions drop-down menu, you can select various actions that will help manage the specified quote.

The complete list of actions found in the Individual Actions drop-down menu are defined below:

"Edit" Allows the user to edit the details of the quote.
"Edit Status" Allows the user to edit the quote status.
"Delete" Allows the user to delete the quote.
"Add Part" Adds a part to the quote (the part will be listed in the "Line Items" panel).
"Add Service" Adds a service to the quote (the service will be listed in the "Line Items" panel).
"Add Markup" Adds a markup to the quote (the markup will be listed in the "Line Items" panel).
"Add Discount" Adds a discount to the quote (the discount will be listed in the "Line Items" panel).
"Add Section" Adds a section to the quote (the section will be listed in the "Line Items" section and can be used to separate the quote items for clearer organization).
"Add Payment for Deposit" Adds a payment for the deposist amount.
"Customer Preview" Will allow you to access the customer preview of the quote.
"Export to PDF" Exports the quote into a PDF.
"Email Quote to Customer" Emails the quote to the customer.
"Text Quote to Customer" Texts the customer the quote for approval.
"Create Invoice for Deposit" Creates an invoice for the deposit amount only. This will create a partial invoice.
"Create Invoice" Creates an invoice from the quote.
"Create Work Order" Creates a work order from the quote.
"Create Purchase Order" Creates a purchase order from the quote.
"Create Sales Order" Creates a sales order from the quote.
"Create Project" Creates a project from the quote.
"Create Recurrent Service" Creates a recurrent service.
"Create Quote Template" Creates a quote template from the selected quote.
Summary Tab

The "Summary" tab is the default tab you will be directed to; it will display all the requisite information regarding a quote.

The panels found on the "Summary" tab will summarize the data from the other View Quote tabs, including notes, line items, and more:

Where applicable, you can edit or add additional information directly in the "Summary" tab:

  • The Pencil icon will allow you to edit the selected data or field.

  • The Plus Sign icon will allow you to add additional reminders, notes, line items, etc.

  • The Paper icon will allow you to view the selected data in a separate window.

  • The Individual Actions button (the three dots) will display different options (e.g., view, edit, delete, etc.) depending on the corresponding panel.

  • The Trash Can icon will allow you to delete the selected data.

Sales Tax Note: Please note that MobiWork partners with Zip Tax. Zip Tax provides, free of charge, over 42,000 sales tax percentages based on the customer’s zip code. MobiWork also partners with Avalara for more advanced sales requirements. For more information about our Avalara connector, please see the Avalara Connector page.

The subsections below will go into more detail regarding the information found in the different View Quote boxes.


The "Summary" panel will contain general quote information, including the customer and contact information. The other information found in the "Summary" panel are described below:

"Title" The name and brief description of the quote.
"Customer" The customer profile associated with the quote.
"Location" The customer address.
"Assigned To" The user assigned to manage the quote.
"Funnel %" The conversion rate of quotes into actual sales or orders.
"Sold By" The user who created the quote.
"Deposit" The deposit amount for the quote.
"Contact" The customer's name and contact number.
"Tags" Tags act as a visual indicator of a custom status or category, thus improving organizational clarity with the ability to identify specified tagged quotes at a glance.
"Related Items" The "Related Items" will contain links to any relevant work orders, quotes, sales orders, and to the customer profile. If an invoice is created from a quote, then the associated feature will be linked here.
"Related Forms" Forms that are related to the quote.
"Expiration Date" The date that the quote is set to expire.


The "Assets" panel will display the assets that are assigned to the quote. You can easily add an asset to the quote by clicking on the Plus Sign button. With the Paper icon, you will be able to access the View Asset pop-up window.

The Individual Actions button will allow you to also view the asset or remove the asset from the quote. The columns found in the "Asset" panel are defined below:

"Asset Name" Will list the name of the asset. By clicking on the asset's name, you will be able to access the View Asset pop-up window.
"Actions" Will allow you to view or remove the specified asset.


The "Reminders" panel will contain the scheduled reminders for the selected user(s). To add a reminder, click the Plus Sign in the upper right corner. To edit a reminder, click on the Pencil icon or if you would like to delete a reminder, click on the Trash Can icon.

When adding or editing a reminder, you can specify both the date for sending the reminder and the priority level of the task that the user(s) is being reminded of.


The "History" panel will contain the historical data of the quote (e.g., quote status changes, adding parts or services to the quote, and more). The data in this box will automatically generate when a specified event or status is reached.

Quote Line Items

The "Quote Line Items" panel will allow you to add the parts, services, markups, and discounts to the quote. You can also add a section divider to help keep the quote line items organized or even add payments for the deposit amount.

By clicking on the Individual Actions of a specified part, service, markup, discount, or section you can edit the information or remove it entirely.

The columns found in the "Quote Line Items" panel are defined below:

"Name" The name of the part or service (this will also include the SKU information if available).
"Price" The list price of the part or service; this is the price that the customer will be charged.
"Cost" The cost of the part; this value represents the amount that your company has to spend on procuring the part or product.
"Quantity" How much of a part is needed for the quote. In regard to services, this value refers to how many hours the user has worked and is charging the customer for.
"Invoiced" The percentage amount being invoiced from the quote.
"Discount" The discount of an individual part or service. This is different from the overall discount that can be applied to the quote as a whole.
"Total" The total amount of the individual part or service which calculates the price, quantity, and discount. The total amount of the quote (including overall discounts and markups) can be located in the "Total & Balance" panel.
"Actions" Will allow you to edit or remove the specified part or service.

You can also easily add a part, service, or section to the quote's line items by clicking on the respective icon:

For more information about adding line items to your quote, please see the Add Quote page.


The "Notes" panel will contain any additional notes related to the quote. To add a note, click the Plus Sign in the upper right corner. To edit a note, click on the Pencil icon or if you would like to delete a note, click on the Trash Can icon.

By default, any notes added will not be visible to your customer. If you would like them to be visible, please make sure to check off the "Visible to Customer" checkbox when adding or editing your note.

Terms & Conditions

The Terms and Conditions section for quotes, will allow you to create a template that will input specified terminology and phrases for the selected quote. For more information about creating terms & conditions, and adding them to the quote, please see the Quote Settings section.

Total & Balance

The "Total & Balance" panel will contain the subtotal, sales tax, any payments applied to the invoice, the overall discounts, and markups, and more. The complete list of terms found in the "Total & Balance" panel are defined below:

"Subtotal" Represents the subtotal of the quote, before the calculation of any discounts or markups.
"Taxable (Subtotal)" The subtotal amount of the quote that is subject to taxes.
"Sales Tax" The sales tax being calculated by the quote.
"Total" The total amount of the individual part or service which calculates the price, quantity, and discount. The total amount of the quote (including overall discounts and markups) can be located in the "Total & Balance" panel.
"Cost" The total cost incurred by your company when procuring the part or product.
"Profit" The financial gain obtained from the quote after subtracting all associated costs.

The data in the "Total & Balance" panel is automatically calculated from the parts, services, overall markups, discounts etc. that are listed on the quote.

Documents Tab

The "Documents" tab will allow you to store quote-specific documentation (e.g., contracts, photos, etc.) for future use. This tab will also list the type of document file, the date it was uploaded, the user who uploaded it, and more.

To add a new document or file, you must click on the Plus Sign button and then drag & drop or choose a file to upload:

General Documents

The "General Documents" subsection will allow you to upload the images, word documents, and more associated with the quote:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

  2. The Plus Sign will add a new document or file.

  3. The topmost Individual Actions will allow you to add a new document or refresh the tab.

  4. The Paper icon will allow you to view the file.

  5. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

The terms for the "General Documents" are defined below:

"User" The user who uploaded the document or file.
"Date" The date that the document or image file was uploaded.
"Type" The type of document (e.g., PDF, Word, image, Excel, etc.).
"Name" The name of the document.
"Comment" Any comments or notes associated with the document.
"Actions" Allows you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

Quote PDF

The "Quote PDF" subsection will allow you to upload the PDFs associated with the quote:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to download or delete the document.

  2. The Paper icon will allow you to download the document file.

  3. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to download or delete the document.

  4. The Plus Sign will add a new PDF quote document.

The terms for the "Quote PDF" section are defined below:

"User" The user who uploaded the PDF file.
"Date" The date the PDF file was uploaded.
"Renderer Name" The name of the PDF renderer.
"Actions" Allows you to download or delete the PDF file.
Forms Tab

The "Form" tab will contain any images related to the quote; only after you upload an image file will you be able to access all of the actions displayed below:

  1. The topmost Individual Actions button will allow you to edit, export all the image forms associated with the quote, and refresh the tab.

  2. You can use the Paper icon to view the image, or utilize the secondary Individual Actions button to view the image in a separate tab, window, or delete it.

  3. You can use the Plus Sign icon to add a new image, or utilize the tertiary Individual Actions button to do the same.

History Tab

The "History" tab lists the historically recorded details of the quote; including status dates, the time duration of the status, the user assigned to the quote and more:


The "Dates" panel will contain important dates related to your quote. The columns found in the "Dates" panel are defined below:

"Created Date" The date when the quote was first created.
"Expiration Date" The date that the quote is due to expire if not approved or rejected.
"Submitted Date" The date submitted; the data in this field is dependent on the MobiRules please contact us for more information on how to populate this field.
"Approved Date" The date that the customer approved the quote.
"Rejected Date" The date that the customer rejected the quote.
"Last Modified Date" The date when the data in the quote was last updated.

Status Events

The "Status Events" panel will display the custom statuses associated with the quote, along with the respective duration for each status. The columns found in the "Status Events" panel are defined below:

"Status" The status of the quote (e.g., "Open," "Checked Out," "Waiting for Clarification," "Waiting for Approval," "Change Requested," "Approved," "Rejected," and "Completed").
"From" The initial date that the quote entered the specified custom status.
"To" The date in which the quote no longer resides in the specified custom status.
"Time Spent in Status" The time duration spent in the specified custom status.


The "History" panel will display the dates and times of all events, action, notes, updates, and more associated with the quote. The columns found in the "History" panel are defined below:

"Date" The date that the action, event, etc. took place.
"Description" The description of the activity.
"User" The user who performed the activity.
Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!