Features - Quotes
Delete Quote

Mastering the art of quote management is a breeze with MobiWork. Say goodbye to cluttered records and hello to streamlined efficiency. Deleting quotes has never been simpler- with just a click, you can seamlessly remove single quotes or tackle multiple quotes at once. This section will walk you through the process of deleting quotes, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge you need to keep your workspace tidy and organized.

Important: Once you delete a quote it will be permanently removed from the system.

How to Access the Page

You can delete a quote from the "List" tab or through the "Quotes" tab in the View Customer pop-up window.

From the Quote List Page

To delete your quote(s) you will first need to be on the "List" tab. Please see the Quote List page for more information on how to access this site.

Once you are on the "List" tab, you can delete your quote(s) with the following methods:

  1. Clicking on the Quote ID to open the View Quote pop-up window:

    • In the upper right-corner of the View Quote pop-up window, you will see the Individual Actions button:

    • Please note that there are several ways that you can access the View Quote pop-up window. Please see the View Quote page for the different ways that you can open the View Quote pop-up window.

  2. Right-clicking on the "List" tab to open the right-click options and selecting the "Delete" option from the drop-down. The options that are displayed when you right-click on a quote are also available when you select the Individual Actions button.

  3. Selecting the More Actions button from the "Global Actions" and from the drop-down clicking on the "Delete" option. Please note that this option will give you the ability to delete multiple quotes at once.

  4. Clicking on the Individual Actions button (the three vertical dots) from the "Actions" column; from the drop-down select the "Delete" option. The options that are displayed from the Individual Actions button are the same as when you right-click on a quote.


To see how to access the View Customer pop-up window, please see the View Customer page for more information.

Once you open the View Customer pop-up window select the "Quotes" tab. From this tab, you can delete the quote either by:

  1. By right-clicking on a quote and selecting "Delete" from the drop-down options.

  2. Clicking on the Individual Actions and selecting the "Delete" option from the drop-down.

Delete a Single Quote

Regardless of how you choose to delete a quote, a warning pop-up will appear asking to confirm if you would like to delete this quote, and informing you that the deletion of a quote is permanent:

Click the Yes button to confirm deletion. Once confirmed, the quote will automatically be deleted from MobiWork.

Delete Quote Line Items

You will be able to delete the parts, services, sections, markups, and discounts listed in the quote's line items. The following subsections will illustrate how to delete these different line item entries.

Delete Part

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected part's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Delete" option. You can also delete the selected part by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Delete" option from the drop-down:

Once you click on the "Delete" option, the Confirm Delete pop-up window will appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm you would like to delete the selected part.

Delete Service

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected service's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Delete" option. You can also delete the selected service by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Delete" option from the drop-down:

Once you click on the "Delete" option, the Confirm Delete pop-up window will appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm you would like to delete the selected service.

Delete Section

In the "Line Items" panel click on the selected section's Individual Actions. From the Individual Actions' drop-down menu that appears, select the "Delete" option. You can also delete the selected section by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Delete" option from the drop-down:

Once you click on the "Delete" option, the Confirm Delete pop-up window will appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm you would like to delete the selected section. Please note that any parts or services that are listed under the section will also be removed.

Delete Markup

In the "Total & Balance" panel, locate the markup you would like to delete. Click on the corresponding Trash Can button next to the selected markup:

Once you click on the Trash Can button, the Delete Markup pop-up window will appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm you would like to delete the selected markup.

Delete Discount

In the "Total & Balance" panel, locate the discount you would like to delete. Click on the corresponding Trash Can button next to the selected discount:

Once you click on the Trash Can button, the Delete Discount pop-up window will appear:

Click the Yes button to confirm you would like to delete the selected discount.

Delete Multiple Quotes

MobiWork allows you to delete multiple quotes at once, thus saving you time and energy from having to delete quotes one at a time.

To delete multiple quotes, you will need to access the More Actions button from the Quotes feature page:

  1. Check off the desired quotes you would like to delete; if you would like to delete all your quotes you can click on the topmost checkbox (Multiple Selection Area) located in the "List" column:

    • Click on the More Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete Selected" option:

  2. A warning will then appear asking to confirm if you would like to delete the selected quotes, and informing you that the deletion of the quotes will be permanent:

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm deletion. Once confirmed, the quotes will automatically be deleted from MobiWork.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!