Features - Prospects
Prospects List
The "Prospect" list page allows you to perform actions such as "search," "view," "edit," and "add" to your prospects.
How to Access the Page
It can be found by -
Free Text Search

Free Text Search is available to do a quick search by name and external ID.
"Show All" Saved Search
"Show All" shows all the available prospects.
"New Search" Search
"New Search" provides a very advanced search and it can be saved so that the same search can be executed at any time by anyone.

Click "New Search" to conduct a new search.

"New Search" contains -

"Name" is the name of the prospect.
"Email" is the prospect's email address.
"Users" are the users assigned to the prospects including self which is the logged in user.
"Location" is the location of the prospect including by a radius of a specific address.
"Country" is the country of the prospect.
"Percentage Between" is the percentages between two percentages that the prospect will become a customer.
"Status" is the custom status of the prospect.
"Category" is the custom category of the prospect.
"Active Reminder" is whether there is a reminder in the future for the prospect.
"Page Size" is the number of prospects that will appear on a page.
"Creation Date" is the creation date of the prospect.
"Expected Closing Date" is the expected date the prospect will become a customer.
"Sort By" is multilevel sorting of prospects by creation date, percentage, ID, name, assigned user, and expected closing date in ascending or descending order.
"Save this Search" allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to all Users" allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.

Custom searchable fields can also be shown within "New Search."
"More Actions"
"More Actions" include add prospect, edit selected prospects, import prospects from Excel, export to Excel, delete selected prospects, and settings.

"Add Prospect" adds a prospect to "Prospects."
"Edit Selected Prospects" edits the selected prospects.
"Import Prospects from Excel" imports prospects from Excel.
"Export to Excel" exports prospects to Excel.
"Delete Selected Prospects" deletes the selected prospects.
"Settings" views the Prospect settings.
"List" Tab
The "List" tab allows you to see the prospects that match your selected search in a table format.

The "List" tab contains -

"ID" is the ID of the prospect.
"Status" is the user defined in the prospect settings.
"Name" is the name of the prospect.
"Email" is the email address of the prospect.
"Phone" is the phone number of the prospect.
"Country" is the country of the prospect.
"Created Date" is the creation date of the prospect.
"Actions" include view, edit, add reminder, add note, and delete.
"Map" Tab
The "Map" tab allows you to visualize where prospects are happening in map view.

If an icon on the map is clicked then the physical address or geocode (latitude / longitude) of the prospect will be displayed.