Features - Customers
Add Customer From the Mobile Device

While out in the field, you will be able to add new customers without needing to contact the office.

The section below will highlight how to add a customer from your mobile device.

How to Access the Feature

To add a new customer through the mobile device, you will first need to access the Customer feature. For more information on how to access this feature, please see the Mobile Customer Layout page.

Add Customer

When you are on the Customer feature page, you will be able to see the Add button towards the bottom of the customer list:

Once you press on the Add button, you will be able redirected to the Add Customer page:

On this page input the desired information:

  • The company's name (if applicable)

  • The status of the customer (i.e., Open, Ongoing, At Risk, On Hold, or Lost)

  • The first and last name of the customer

  • The mobile, home, and work phone numbers of the customer

  • The email address of the customer

  • If the new customer is a prospect

  • The location and geocode data of the customer's address

Once you are satisfied with the new customer's information, press the Add button to save the new customer. The new customer's data will then be available through both the web application and the device.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!