Features - Recurrent Routes
Recurrent Routes List
This section will highlight how to successfully navigate to the Recurrent Route feature page. The Recurrent Route feature page, will allow you to view, edit, add, and manage your recurrent routes.
How to Access the Page

You can access the Recurrent Routes feature page by hovering over the Recurrent Routes feature from your MobiWork menu and clicking on the "View Recurrent Routes" option:

Recurrent Routes List Tab Layout

The Recurrent Routes "List" tab is the default tab you will be brought to once you access the Recurrent Routes feature page; from this page you can see all your recurrent routes' data summarized on one page.

Below is a list of the main features that are located on the "List" tab:

  1. Tabs

  2. Search Area

  3. Global Actions

  4. List Columns

  5. Right-Click Actions

  6. Individual Row & Actions

  7. Results per Page

This webpage will expound upon the other tabs in further detail; to navigate to these subsections please see the table of contents at the beginning of this section.

Search Area

You can type in the search bar (free-text search) to locate a specific recurrent route. Once you click in the search bar, the search drop-down menu will automatically appear. You can use the search drop-down menu or continue typing your own search parameters:

When typing in the search bar, the drop-down menu will provide some helpful search criteria. With free-text search you will also be able to search by:
  • User Name
  • Route Name
  • Frequency
  • Route ID
  • Date
  • Destination (Stop) Address

If the number of recurrent routes surpasses the number range, the subsequent number of recurrent routes will be found on the next page:

To navigate through these pages, use the First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons located towards the bottom of the Recurrent Routes section.

Predefined Saved Searches

Saved searches are a powerful search tool where the search-criteria has been saved for future use; to access the saved searches drop-down, click in the search bar.

The default saved search for Recurrent Routes is the "Show All" search. These saved searches will appear in the drop-down menu and can also be used for dashboards and reports.

By default, MobiWork provides a couple of saved searches for you to use:

The list of statuses that can be used in predefined searches are below:

  • Show All

  • Created Today

You can access any of these saved searches by clicking on the "Search Area" and selecting your desired "Predefined Saved Search" from the drop-down menu.

If you would like to view all your recurrent routes, click on the "Show All" option from the drop-down menu:

To create a new saved search, select the "Create a New Advanced Search" option from the drop-down menu:

After clicking on "Create a New Advanced Search," a pop-up window will appear where you can enter your data in the appropriate fields. If you would like to exit from this pop-up window you can click on the esc button from your keyboard.

Please note that once you name a new saved search, you will be unable to rename it (instead you would need to delete your saved search and create a new one).

Once you have finished inputting the required information, you can save the search, make it available to all users, or make it your default search:

Further definitions for all the terms in the New Search pop-up window can be found below:

"Assigned To" The user associated with the recurrent route.
"Route Name" The name of the specified recurrent route.
"Customer" The customer associated with the recurrent route.
"Active" If active, will allow you to create future (new) work orders.
"Select Routes" Allows you to select the specified recurrent route(s).
"Creation Date" The date that the recurrent route was initially created.
"Sort By" Sorts your search in ascending or descending order by: name, assigned user, frequency, and creation date.
"Save This Search" Allows the search parameters to be saved under a name to be reused in the future.
"Search Available to All Users" Allows the search to be available to all users.
"Default Saved Search" Sets the saved search as the default view when accessing the search feature in the future.

Manage Saved Searches

Any new searches that are added can be managed or edited in the Manage Saved Searches pop-up window:

To manage, edit, or remove any saved searches you can access the "Manage Saved Searches" option in the drop-down menu; the Manage Saved Searches pop-up window will then appear:

  1. You can add a new saved search by clicking the New Search button in the top right of the pop-up window.

  2. You can rearrange the order of the saved searches by clicking, then dragging & dropping the selected Search.

  3. You can edit or delete a selected saved search by using the drop-down menu under the "Actions" column.

If you would like to easily close this pop-up window, you can click on the esc button from your keyboard.


Tabs are located under the MobiWork logo. You can change the way that the information is displayed by clicking on the desired tab:

There are two tabs that you can toggle between on the Recurrent Routes feature page. They are the "List" and "Map" tabs.

List Tab

The "List" tab will display your recurrent routes' ID, the recurrent route name, the number of stops, the frequency, and the start date:

The "List" tab is the default view when you click on the Recurrent Routes feature.

List Tab Columns

In the "List" tab, the columns are structured to display specific data related to each individual recurrent route.

These columns are organized as: "ID," "Name," "Stops," "Assigned To," "Frequency," "Start Date," and "Actions:"

The corresponding rows under the column headings will display the relevant recurrent route data.

The checkboxes (multiple selection area) found to the left of the "ID" column, will allow you to select either one or multiple recurrent routes to view, edit, delete, etc.:

By clicking the topmost checkbox in the column heading you will select all the recurrent routes.

The "List" tab column headings are defined as:

"Multiple Selection Area" Checkboxes that are used to select multiple recurrent routes. By clicking the topmost checkbox, you can select all recurrent routes.
"ID" The ID of the recurrent route.
"Name" The name of the recurrent route.
"Stops" The number of stops the user is registered to make on the recurrent route.
"Assigned To" The user assigned to the recurrent route.
"Frequency" How often the recurrent route will be completed.
"Start Date" The date that the recurrent route was initially created.
"Actions" The Paper icon and the Individual Actions button can be found here; these buttons will allow you to perform actions on a recurrent route.

List Tab Individual Actions

When selecting a recurrent route and clicking on the Individual Actions button (the three vertical dots under the "Actions" column) you will be able to view, edit, or delete the selected recurrent route.

Any actions that are done with the Individual Actions button will only apply to the selected recurrent route:

The Paper icon found under the "Actions" column will allow you to quickly access the View Recurrent Route pop-up window of the selected recurrent route:

The options that are displayed when you select the Individual Actions button are also available under the right-click actions.

List Tab Right-Click Actions

When right-clicking with your mouse on a recurrent route in the "List" tab, you will be able to view, edit, or delete the selected recurrent route.

The options that are displayed when you right-click on a recurrent route are also available when you select the Individual Actions button.

Any actions that are done with the right-click actions will only apply to the selected recurrent route:

The definitions for the actions found in the Individual Actions and when you right-click in the "List" tab are below:

"View" Opens the View Recurrent Route pop-up window.
"Edit" Edits the recurrent route.
"Delete" Deletes the recurrent route.
Map Tab

The "Map" tab will visually display all your recurrent routes on a map. The origins and destinations are represented as pins, and the routes are represented as lines. MobiWork utilizes the same map system that is utilized in Google Maps; the buttons and functions will work the same way:

If you click on a pin, you will be able to view the route and customer details of the selected pin (e.g., route name, address).

Map Tab Layout

  1. The "Recurrent Route" panel will display the name of the recurrent route, the user associated with the route, and the addresses that the route comprises of.

  2. You can switch the view from the standard map-view to a satellite view.

  3. You can have the map fill the entire screen for a better view of the region.

  4. The pins (and corresponding lines) will represent the recurrent routes. The pins and lines are color-coded to match the specified recurrent route. By clicking on the pin, you will also be able to view the customer address, the user assigned to the recurrent route, and the recurrent route name.

  5. You can use the yellow person icon to view an area in street view.

  6. You can either increase the zoom on the map or decrease it by toggling the Plus and Minus buttons.

Global Actions

The "Global Actions" section is located at the top-right of the "List" tab:

The "Global Actions" section includes:

  • The Plus Sign button which will allow you to quickly add a new recurrent route.

  • The More Actions button (represented by the three vertical dots) which will allow you to delete the recurrent route, import/export from excel, and more.

  • The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  • The Graduation Cap which will activate the Onboarding Assistant.

After clicking on the vertical three dots in the top-right corner, the More Actions drop-down menu will appear.

From the More Actions drop-down menu, you can select various actions that will help to manage your recurrent routes.

These actions can be performed on a single recurrent route or on multiple recurrent routes.

The complete list of actions found in the More Actions drop-down menu are defined below:

"Add Recurrent Route" Will allow you to add a new recurrent route.
"Import From Excel" Imports the recurrent routes from Excel into MobiWork.
"Delete Selected Recurrent Routes" Deletes the selected recurrent routes.
"Publish Selected" Officially updates the recurrent route with the updated changes (e.g., new work orders, destinations, etc.) and deletes the outdated content.
"Export to Excel" Exports the selected recurrent routes to Excel.
Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!