Features - Quotes
View a Quote in PDF

Within MobiWork you can view your quotes in a PDF file or a Word document; this section will detail how to access these options, the layout of PDF/Word quote, and how a custom quote would appear.

How to Access the Page

To export your quote into a PDF file, you must first access the Quotes' "List" tab. Please see the Quote List View section for more information on how to access this page.

Once you are on the "List" tab there are three different ways you can access your PDF quote:

  1. Quote ID- Once you click on the Quote ID, you will be directed to the View Quote pop-up window. From this window you can click on the Individual Actions and select the "Export to PDF" option from the drop-down or click on the PDF button:
    • Please note that if you would like to easily close this pop-up window, you can click on the esc button from your keyboard.
  2. Right-click the selected quote and select the "Export to PDF" option from the drop-down.

  3. Select the Individual Actions button under the "Actions" column and select the "Export to PDF" option from the drop-down.

Once you export your quote into a PDF, open the downloaded file from your downloads folder.

Quote PDF Layout

Your quote PDF will display your company image, any parts or services, the unit price, total, and more. You can send this PDF quote to your customers or keep it for your records:

  1. Displays your company name and address.

  2. The image for your company logo will be displayed here; want to use another logo for your company? Please see Account Settings for further instructions.

  3. Displays the quote ID and the day that the quote was created.

  4. Displays the customer and address.

  5. Displays the bill to customer's name and address.

  6. Displays the quote items, unit price, the quantity, and the amount of the listed service or product.

  7. Displays if a deposit is required for the quote, and if so, the amount needed for the deposit.

  8. Displays the subtotal of all the listed products and services, the added tax, and the total amount due.

  9. The "Terms and Conditions" section will display specified terminology and phrases for the quote.

Custom Quote Options

MobiWork also offers additional custom options for your PDF quotes. Please contact our Sales Team to get price estimates.

The image below is an example of a customized quote PDF that MobiWork can personalize for your company:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!