Features - Work Orders
View Work Order

Everything you need for comprehensive work order management and organization is right at your fingertips with the View Work Order pop-up window. This pop-up window is a one-stop solution which provides everything from your users' time tracking records, customer billing information, job costing data, work order-related documents and more.

The following sections will highlight how to access the View Work Order pop-up window and the different features you can access from the pop-up window.

How to Access the Page

There are several different ways you can access the View Work Order pop-up window in MobiWork.

The following sections demonstrate some common methods of how to access the View Work Order pop-up window from your MobiWork web platform.

Work Order List Page

The easiest way to access the View Work Order pop-up window is through the "List" tab. For more information on how to access the "List" tab, please see the Work Order List page.

Once you are on the "List" tab, there are four different ways to access the View Work Order pop-up window:

  1. Select the desired work order ID.

  2. Right-click on the selected work order and click on the "View" option from the drop-down.

  3. Click on the "View" option from the Individual Actions drop-down.

  4. Select the Paper icon under the "Actions" column.

Work Orders Tab: Kanban

In the "Kanban" tab, you will be able to view the View Work Order pop-up window differently.

Click on the desired work order to open the View Work Order pop-up window:


Another way you can access the View Work Orders pop-up window is through the View Customer pop-up window. For more information on how to access the View Customer pop-up window please see the View Customer page.

Once you are on this page select the "Work Orders" tab:

All the work orders associated with the customer will be displayed on this tab. To access an individual work order and open its View Work Order pop-up window please see the following actions:

  1. Select the desired work order ID.

  2. Right-click on the selected work order and click on the "View" option from the drop-down.

  3. Select the Paper icon under the "Actions" column.

  4. Select the "View" option from the Individual Actions drop-down.


For more information about how to access the Schedules feature page, please see the Schedule List page.

Regardless of the Schedule tab that you are in, you will be able to access the View Work Order pop-up window by clicking on the work order ID from its respective boxes.

Below are common methods for accessing the View Work Order pop-up window within the Schedule features page:

  • You can click on one of the pins in the "Composite" tab or "Map" tab, to bring up the work order details; from the window that appears you can click on the work order ID:

  • Or you can hover over the colored boxes in the "Calendar," "Timeline," or "Overview" tabs and from the window that appears select the work order ID:
  • On the Schedules "List" tab there are four different ways you can access the View Work Order pop-up window:

    1. By clicking on the work order ID from the "Work Order" column.

    2. Right-clicking on the selected work order and clicking on the "View" option from the drop-down menu.

    3. You can click on the Paper icon.

    4. Or you can click on the Individual Actions and select the "View" option from the drop-down.


Another way you can access the View Work Orders pop-up window is through the View Invoice pop-up window. For more information on how to access the View Invoice pop-up window please see the View Invoice page.

If the invoice was generated from a work order, you can click on the work order ID directly from the "Summary" tab; this action will open the View Work Order pop-up window:

Regardless of the method that you choose to access the View Work Order pop-up window, it will automatically appear.

Work Order View Layout

Overview and Layout

Once you open the View Work Order pop-up window, you will be automatically directed to the "Summary" tab:

These features are available in all eleven tabs and in both, the pop-up window, and the full-size view:

  1. Work Order Full-Size View

  2. Work Order Tabs

  3. Work Order ID and Status

  4. Upper Right Corner Actions

Please note that if you would like to easily close this pop-up window, you can click on the esc button from your keyboard.

Work Order Full-Size View

By clicking on the upwards arrow in the left-hand corner, you can expand the View Work Order pop-up window so that it is full-size:

The full-size View Work Order pop-up window can be seen below. All the tabs, buttons, and features are identical to how they would appear in the pop-up window:

Work Order Tabs

There are eleven tabs in all for the View Work Order pop-up window; each tab displays different information regarding the work order:

You can navigate to other tabs by clicking on the desired tab.

Work Order ID and Status

The work order ID and the status will be displayed towards the top of the View Work Order pop-up window:

You can quickly change the status of the work order by clicking on the status and selecting the desired new status.

The statuses that are available are:

  • "Open"- If the work order has been generated but it has not been assigned to a user.

  • "Dispatched"- The work order is assigned a user and scheduled for the specified time, date, and planned duration.

  • "In Transit"- The user is en route to the work order destination.

  • "On Site"- The user is on site at the work order destination.

  • "Need Follow Up"- The user needs to follow-up with the work order (e.g., missing needed parts so the user needs to come back).

  • "Waiting for Parts"- The user is waiting for parts.

  • "Completed"- The work order has been completed.

Upper Right Corner Actions

In the upper right corner of the View Work Order pop-up window there will be five buttons that will allow you to perform additional actions on the work order:

  1. The PDF button will allow you to download a PDF copy of the work order.

  2. The Refresh button will allow you to refresh the work order's data to the most up-to-date version.

  3. The Individual Actions button will allow you to perform various actions, such as:

    • Edit the work order or the work order status.

    • Completely close the work order.

    • Manage the inventory.

    • Manage the users' skills.

    • Repeat the work order.

    • Delete the work order.

    • Create the invoice or purchase order.

    • View the work order PDF, the work order invoice PDF, or the pick list PDF.

    • Send the work order PDF as an email.

    • Access the work order settings.

  4. The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  5. The X will close out of the View Work Order pop-up window.

Upper Right Corner Actions (Detailed)

The Work Order's Upper Right Corner Actions can be found in the top-right corner of the View Work Order pop-up window. These actions are located in this section, regardless of the tab you are on:

The Upper Right Corner Actions section includes:

  • The PDF button will allow you to export the work order into a PDF document.

  • The Refresh button will allow you to refresh the work order's data to the most up-to-date version.

  • The Individual Actions button will allow you to perform various actions.

  • The Question Mark button which will direct you to the respective MobiWork Features page.

  • The X button will close out of the View Work Order pop-up window.

After clicking on the vertical three dots in the top-right corner, the Individual Actions drop-down menu will appear:

From the Individual Actions drop-down menu, you can select various actions that will help manage the specified work order.

The complete list of actions found in the Individual Actions drop-down menu are defined below:

"Edit" Allows the user to edit the specified work order.
"Edit Status" Allows the user to edit the status of the specified work order.
"Close Work Order" Completely closes out the work order. This action is used if the mobile user forgot to close out of the work order.
"Manage Inventory" Manages the inventory items that are associated with the work order.
"Manage Skills" Manages the skills needed for the work order.
"Repeat" Enables the work order to be repeated for a specified date and time. Unlike recurring services, this entails a one-time repetition of the work order.
"Delete" Deletes the work order.
"Create Invoice" Adds an invoice to the specified work order.
"Create Purchase Order" Adds a purchase order to the specified work order.
"View Work Order PDF" Allows you to export the default work order PDF.
"View Work Order & Invoice PDF" Allows you to export the work order and invoice PDF.
"Export Pick List" Allows you to export the pick list PDF (this will show the list of parts and items associated with the work order).
"Send Email With PDF" Sends an email with the work order as a PDF to the customer.
"Settings" Directs the user to the Work Orders Settings page.
Summary Tab

The "Summary" tab is the default tab that will appear once you open the View Work Order pop-up window. This tab will display all the requisite information regarding a work order; the information is also displayed in an accessible and practical manner.

The panels found on the "Summary" tab will summarize the data from the other tabs found in the View Work Order pop-up window:

Where applicable, you can edit or add additional information directly in the "Summary" tab:

  • The Pencil icon will allow you to edit the selected data or field.

  • The Individual Actions button (the three dots) will display different options (e.g., view, edit, delete, etc.) depending on the corresponding panel.

  • The Plus Sign icon will allow you to add additional data or notes.

  • The Trash Can icon will allow you to delete the selected data.

  • The Paper icon will allow you to view the selected data in a separate window.

  • The PDF button enables you to download the selected data as a PDF document.


The "Summary" panel will contain general work order information, including the customer and contact information. The other information found in the "Summary" panel are described below:

"Customer Name" The name of the customer associated with the work order.
"Location" The location where the work order is taking place. You can edit the location address or view it on a Google map.
"Contacts" This field displays the primary customer contact's name and phone number. By clicking on the Individual Actions button, you can add additional contacts, edit existing ones, or remove secondary contacts.
"Tags" Tags act as a visual indicator of a custom status or category, thus improving organizational clarity with the ability to identify specified tagged work orders at a glance.
"Type" Identifies the type of work order being completed by the user. The work order type is selected from the drop-down when the user is adding a new work order.
"Description" The description of the work order. This will also serve as the work order's title.
"Related Items" The "Related Items" will contain links to any relevant projects, purchase orders, recurrent services, and quotes that are associated with the work order.


The "Reminders" panel will contain the scheduled reminders for the selected user(s). To add a reminder, click the Plus Sign in the upper right corner. To edit a reminder, click on the Pencil icon or if you would like to delete a reminder, click on the Trash Can icon.

When adding or editing a reminder, you can specify both the date for sending the reminder and the priority level of the task that the user(s) is being reminded of.


The "History" panel will contain the historical data of the work order (e.g., work order status changes, adding notes, and more). The data in this box will automatically generate when a specified event or status is reached.

Scheduling & Dispatching

The "Scheduling & Dispatching" panel will allow you schedule and dispatch the work order. The work orders listed in the is box will display the user that has been dispatched as well as the date and time of the work order.

You can add multiple scheduling and dispatches in this box (You can do this by clicking on the Plus Sign next to the "Scheduling & Dispatching" header). Having multiple scheduling and dispatches with the work order is beneficial if the work order is incomplete and requires a follow-up work order date or if another user is required to accomplish a different work order task.

You can also use the Pencil icon (or the "Edit" option from the Individual Actions drop-down) to change the user being dispatched to the work order.

You can edit the planned duration of the work order, view the assigned user, assign or unassign a lead user, or delete the scheduled dispatch slot.

For more information about scheduling and dispatching please see the respective sections, Schedule Overview page or the Dispatching Overview page.

The data found in the "Scheduling & Dispatching" panel are further defined below:

"Assigned User" The user assigned to the work order.
"Scheduled Date and Time" The data and time that the work order is scheduled for.
"Actions" Will allow you to view the user assigned to the work order, edit the scheduled dispatch information (including the assigned user and date), edit the planned time duration of the work order, assign or unassign a lead user, or delete the scheduled dispatch.

Parts and Services

The "Parts and Services" panel will display all the parts and services that are being used for the work order. For more information about the work order's parts and services, please see the Parts and Services tab.

By clicking on the Plus Sign next to the "Parts and Services" header, you will be able to add a new part to the work order. By clicking on the More Actions next to the Plus Sign, you will be able to add a new part, or service to the work order. You can also manage the inventory from the More Actions drop-down.

With the Individual Actions button, you will be able to view, edit, or remove the selected part or service from the work order. The Paper icon next to the Individual Actions button will allow you to access the View Part or View Service pop-up window of the selected part or service.

The data found in the "Parts and Services" panel are further defined below:

"Part or Service Name" The name of the part or service.
"Quantity" The number of parts being used for the work order. In terms of services, how many hours are being worked by the user.
"Recommend" If the part or service is recommended by the user.
"Inventory Status" The inventory status of where the part is coming from.
"Actions" Will allow you to view, edit, or remove the respective part or service.


The "Assets" panel will display all of the assets associated with the work order. For more information about work order assets, please see the Assets tab.

By clicking on the Plus Sign next to the "Assets" header, you will be able to add a new asset to the work order.

With the Individual Actions button, you will be able to view, edit the asset, edit the asset usage, or remove the asset from the work order.

The data found in the "Assets" panel are further defined below:

"Asset Tag" Indicates the tag number associated with the asset.
"Asset Name" Displays the asset's name.
"Asset Usage" Shows how the asset is being used at the site.
"Actions" Will allow you to view, edit, edit the usage type, or remove the asset from the work order.


The forms associated with the work order will be displayed in the "Forms" panel; here you can add the desired forms from the web interface, or even view or edit any existing forms that are already saved to the work order. For more information about work order forms, please see the Forms tab.


The "Notes" panel will contain any additional notes related to the work order. To add a note, click the Plus Sign in the upper right corner. To edit a note, click on the Pencil icon or if you would like to delete a note, click on the Trash Can icon.

By default, any notes added will not be visible to your customer. If you would like them to be visible, please make sure to check off the "Visible to Customer" checkbox when adding or editing your note.

Balance Due

The "Balance Due" panel will display the total amount of outstanding invoices. The most recent invoices will also be displayed in this box; to see all of the invoices associated with the work order, please see the Billing tab.

By clicking on the Plus Sign next to the "Balance" header, you will be able to add a new invoice to the work order.

With the Individual Actions button, you will be able to view or edit the invoice. You can also export the invoice into a PDF document or send the email to the customer.

The PDF button will allow you to export the invoice into a PDF document. The data found in the "Balance" panel are further defined below:

"Invoice Number" The invoice number will be here. By clicking on the invoice number, you can directly access the respective View Invoice pop-up window.
"Invoice Status" The invoice status will display the status of the respective invoice.
"Invoice Amount" Will display the total outstanding amount for the respective invoice.
"Actions" Will allow you to export, edit, view, or email the respective invoice.


The "Metrics" panel will display key financial information for the work order, including profit, margin, job costing, and revenue data. The data found in the "Metrics" panel are defined below:

"Revenues" The total amount of all the parts, services, etc. associated with the invoice.
"Cost" The total cost incurred by your company when procuring the part or product.
"Profit" The financial gain obtained from the invoice after subtracting all associated costs.
"Margin" The percentage of financial gain from the invoice after subtracting all associated costs.

The data in the "Metrics" panel is automatically calculated from the invoices, job costing, parts, services, etc. that are listed on the work order.

Action Items

The "Action Items" panel will list all of the action items that are associated with the work order type and that the user has to mark off in order for the work order to be complete. These are automatically populated when selecting the work order type during the work order creation. You can also add additional tasks for users to complete for their assigned work orders. For more information about the action items, please see the Action Items Tab section.

Forms Tab

The "Forms" tab will display any forms that are associated with the work order. Forms are tied to the work order type and once the work order is generated the default work order forms will be included in the work order's Action Items. Forms are usually completed in the field by the user while they are working on the work order (e.g., a PDF checklist for safety).

While usually forms are added through the mobile device, you can use the Plus Sign to add a form through the web interface. Once a form is added, you will gain additional actions that you can perform on the selected form (i.e., view, edit, or export the form to PDF).

Once a form is added to the work order, this tab will show the name of the form, the user who filled it, when it was filled, and (if available) the form geotag location:

  1. The More Actions drop-down will allow you to refresh, show all images, export work order forms, and export all the forms listed on the work order.

  2. By clicking on the Add button you can add a new document to the form listed.

  3. Once you have a new document added to the form, you can view, edit, or export the form to PDF.

The terms found in the "Forms" columns are defined below:

"Name" The name / type of form associated with the work order.
"User" The user who uploaded the form to the work order.
"Created Date" The date and time that the form was uploaded to the work order.
"Geotags" The geographical location of where the form was created.
"Actions" Will allow you to view, edit, or export the MobiForm to PDF.
Parts and Services Tab

The "Parts and Services" tab will display all the product and service information associated with a work order; while the data from this tab is sourced from sales orders, invoices, etc. you can also manually input parts and services directly onto this tab with the Plus Sign button.

In this section you will be able to perform the following actions on the listed parts and services used in the work order:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view, edit, or delete the listed parts or services.

  2. The Plus Sign will add a new used part/service.

  3. The More Actions icon will allow you to add a new part or service or to manage the inventory of the parts/services already listed on the work order.

  4. The Paper icon will allow you to view the listed parts or services used in the work order:

  5. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view, edit, or delete the listed parts or services.

The terms found in this section are defined below:

"Name" The name of the part associated with the work order.
"Quantity" The number of parts or services being used for the work order.
"Status" Indicates how the part was used or will be used for the work order (i.e., Used, Recommended, Required, Missing, or Waiting For Delivery).
"Inventory Status" The status of the part in regard to inventory (e.g., if the part is reserved for the specified work order).
"Actions" Allows you to view, edit, or delete the parts or services.

Add Part to Work Order

You can add a part or service by clicking the Plus Sign in the top right of the section. Once you click on the Plus Sign button, the Select Part pop-up window will appear:

The Select Part pop-up window will appear. From there, choose the desired part.

After selecting a part from the Select Part pop-up window, the Add Part to Work Order pop-up window will appear, allowing you to adjust the quantity, section, and other details:

In the Add Part to Work Order pop-up window, you can input the following information:

  • Product- By clicking the Pencil icon you can reselect the desired product.

  • Description- The description of the part or product. This field is optional.

  • Invoice- You can choose whether to automatically add the part to the invoice or leave it out.

  • Purchase Order- Specifies if the part or product should automatically be added to a purchase order.

  • Price and Cost- These fields will be automatically filled based on the saved data you have in your parts catalog; however, you can directly edit the price and cost when adding it to the work order. For more information about your parts catalog, please see the Parts List (Catalog) page.

  • Quantity- Specify the quantity of the part or product needed for the work order.

Once you are satisfied with your entry use the Add button to save:

To add a service, you can click on the More Actions button in the top right corner, and from the drop-down select the "Add Service" option. The process of adding a service is similar to how you would add a part.

You will also be able to edit the any parts, products, or services added to the work order by selecting the Pencil icon.

To remove the associated parts, products, or services click on the Individual Actions button and from the drop-down select the "Delete" option.

Manage Inventory

When clicking on the "Manage Inventory" option from the More Actions button, the Manage Inventory pop-up window will appear.

In this pop-up window you will be able to update the usage status of the part/service, update the inventory status of the part/service, indicate the location where the part originates from, and if applicable, the warehouse of origin:

Once you are satisfied with your changes, click the Save button.

Assets Tab

Assets, unlike parts, are items that your company tracks internally, such as trucks or computers. The "Assets" tab will allow you to add and view any assets associated with the work order.

You can add and edit assets associated within a work order, as well as, assign users to an asset:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view, edit, edit the usage type, or remove the asset from the work order.

  2. The Paper icon will allow you to open the View Asset pop-up window.

  3. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view, edit, edit the usage type, or remove the asset from the work order.

  4. The Plus Sign button will associate an asset to the work order.

The terms found in the "Assets" columns are defined below:

"Type" Indicates the type of asset listed (i.e., if the asset is a serialized asset or a part).
"ID" The ID number of the asset.
"Name" The name of the asset.
"Tag" The tag identifier number of the asset.
"Usage Type" How the asset will be deployed to the work order location (i.e., the asset must be delivered to the customer, the asset is already at the customer location, the asset will be picked up from the customer location, or the asset will be used at the customer site).
"Assigned User" The user assigned to the asset.
"Actions" Allows you to view, edit, edit the usage type, or remove the associated asset from the work order.

Associate an Asset to a Work Order

When you click on the Plus Sign icon, you will be able to associate an asset to the work order. The Add Asset pop-up window will appear:

In this pop-up window:

  • The asset usage type includes options such as, "asset already at the customer site," "asset to be delivered to the customer," "asset to be picked up from the customer," and '"asset to be used at the customer site." If you choose the "asset will be used at the customer site" option, the field for the user utilizing the asset will also be visible.

  • Select if the asset is a "Serialized Asset" (a specific individual asset, e.g., a car with the license plate 123ABC) or if the asset is an "Asset Type" (a generic asset, e.g., any type of car).

  • Enter the asset name.

  • Use the drop-down to input how the asset will be delivered to the desired location.

  • Enter the user who is in charge of the asset.

Once you are satisfied, click the Add button to associate the asset with the work order.

Edit the Asset Usage for a Work Order

You can update how the asset is deployed to the desired location by selecting the "Edit Usage Type" option when you right-click or click on the Individual Actions button.

Once you select the "Edit Usage Type" option, the Edit Asset Association pop-up window will appear:

Use the "Asset Usage Type" drop-down to select the new asset usage. Once you are satisfied with the new value, click the Save button.

Documents Tab

The "Documents" tab will allow you to store work order-specific documentation (e.g., contracts, photos, etc.) for future use. This tab will also list the type of document file, the date it was uploaded, the user who uploaded it, and more.

To add a new document or file, you must click on the Plus Sign button and then drag & drop or choose a file to upload.

Only after you upload a file or document to this tab will you be able to access the Action options:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

  2. The Plus Sign will add a new document or file.

  3. The topmost Individual Actions will allow you to add a new document, a new folder, or refresh the tab. To add a document to any created folder, first edit the selected document and use the "Select Folder" drop-down to choose the desired folder. Then click the Edit button to save the new destination.

  4. The Paper icon will allow you to view the image file in a new tab, window, or allow you to download the document.

  5. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.

The terms found in the "Documents" columns are defined below:

"Name" The name of the document.
"Date" The date that the document or image file was uploaded.
"Type" The type of document (e.g., PDF, Word, image, Excel, etc.).
"User" The user who uploaded the document or file.
"Comment" Any comments or notes associated with the document.
"Actions" Allows you to view, edit, download, or delete the document.
Action Items Tab

When you create a work order and select the work order type, the default Action Items for that work order type will be displayed on this tab and on the mobile device for the user to access.

The "Action Items" tab will allow you to add or remove tasks for the mobile device, in relation to a specific work order (e.g., "In Transit," "Invoice," etc.).

Note: When you add or remove an Action Item on this tab, it only applies to this work order. Other work orders will not have the new or removed Action Item on their Action Item list.

Action Items Layout

The following image displays the layout of the "Action Items" tab as well as how to access the add, view, and delete functions for specified Action Items:

  1. By right-clicking you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view or delete the desired action item.

  2. The Paper icon will allow you to view the details of the action item:
  3. The Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions and will allow you to view or delete the desired action item.

  4. The Plus Sign will add a new action item. The subsection, "Add a New Action Item" will go into more detail regarding the process of adding a new action item for your user to complete on their work order.

The terms for the "Action Items" tab are defined below:

"Status" The status of the action item (e.g., if it has been completed or not).
"Desc" The description and name of the action item.
"Date" The date that the action item was performed.
"Geotag" The location of where the action item was completed.
"Actions" Allows you to view or delete the action item.

Add a New Action Item

To add a new action item, first press the topmost Plus Sign as illustrated in the image below:

Once you click on the Plus Sign you will be automatically redirected to the Add Action Item page:

From this page you can specify the requirements of your new action item, such as:

  • Desc- Enter the description for the new action item; this will also serve as the name of the new action item.

  • Full Description- The full description of the new action item and what it will do.

  • Type- The type of action that is being performed and measured by the action item.

  • Complete Preceding ALL Before Launching- If the action items listed prior to the new one must be completed before the new action item can be started.

  • Complete Preceding ONE Before Launching- If the action item directly listed prior to the new one must be completed before the new action item can be started.

  • Launch Multiple Times Flag- This option will allow the user to tap the selected action item multiple times.

  • Action Item Group- This feature will group selected action items together when required.

  • Do Not Launch Dialog- Does not launch a dialog box when selecting the desired action item.

  • Optional- If the new action item is optional.

  • Launch After All Asset Actions are Done-

  • Appointment Level Action Item-

  • Scan Code-

  • Show in WO Custom Status- This feature will hide the action item in everything but the designated custom status.

  • Hide in Custom Status- This feature will show the action item in everything but the designated custom status.

  • Upon Completion Change Custom Status to- Once the new action item is activated it will change the custom status of the work order.

  • Close Work Order- Once the new action item is activated, it will close the work order.

  • Stop Work Order Time Tracking- Once the new action item is activated, it will stop tracking time for the user.

  • Time Constraint- If there are any time constraints involved with the work order (e.g., the work order can only be completed during a certain time schedule).

  • Location Constraint- If there are any location constraints involved with the work order (e.g., the work order can only be completed at a certain area).

Once you have selected the desired feature for your new action item, click on the Add button to save to new action item to your work order.

Remove an Action Item

To remove a desired action item, simply right-click or click on the Individual Actions button of the selected action item; then from the drop-down that appears, select the "Delete" option.

Job Costing Tab

The "Job Costing" tab will list all the expenses (e.g., the time a user spent on a work order, the cost of parts and services used on a work order, etc.)

The "Job Costing" tab is comprised of three sections: "Expenses," "Parts and Services," and "Time Tracking:"


The "Expenses" section will list the expenses that the users encountered while executing the work order tasks (e.g., gas for mileage when traveling to jobs):

The terms found in the "Expenses" section are defined below:

"ID" The identification number of the expense.
"Name" The name of the user who incurred the expense.
"Expense Date" The date the expense was incurred.
"Payment "Type" How the expense was paid (e.g., credit card, cash, etc.).
"Total" The total expense amount for the user.

Parts and Services

The "Parts and Services" section will detail the parts and services that are used in the work order. Please note that you will be unable to modify the items that appear in this section:

In this section, you can view the parts or services used in the work order through the following methods:

  1. Right-click and selecting the "View" option.

  2. Click on the Paper icon to view the selected parts or services.

  3. Click on the Individual Actions and select the "View" option.

If you would like to learn how to add parts and services to a work order please see either the Parts section or the Services section.

The terms found in the "Parts and Services" section are defined below:

"ID" The identification number for the part or service.
"Description" A description of the part or service.
"Quantity" The number of parts or services used for the work order.
"Cost" The cost of parts or services used for the work order.
"Actions" Allows you to view the parts or services in a read-only format.

Time Tracking

Within the "Time Tracking" section, you will be able to keep track of the time that the users have spent on the work order; this section not only allows you to track user hours but also enables you to start/stop their worked hours, specify the nature of the work, view time duration, and more for enhanced visibility and control.

Time Tracking (Ongoing)

You can see that the time tracking for a user is ongoing when it has the Clock icon. As demonstrated below, the actions in this ongoing stage vary slightly from the stopped time tracking:

  1. By right-clicking on an ongoing time interval, you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions for an ongoing time interval, and will allow you to stop the clock, view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time either Edit Time Tracking: Duration pop-up window or with the Add Time Tracking: Start & End pop-up window, or delete the time.

  2. The Paper icon will allow you to view the hours in a read-only format.

  3. The Individual Actions for an ongoing time interval are identical to the right-click actions for an ongoing time interval. These actions will allow you to stop the clock, view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time either Edit Time Tracking: Duration pop-up window or with the Add Time Tracking: Start & End pop-up window, or delete the time.

  4. The Plus Sign will add a new time tracking for a user and the topmost Individual Actions will allow you to start the time tracking, add a new time tracking for a user (either with the Add Time Tracking: Duration pop-up window or with the Add Time Tracking: Start & End pop-up window, or refresh the tab.

Time Tracking (Stopped)

You can see that the time tracking for a user is stopped when it has the Checkmark icon. As shown below, the actions in this stopped stage vary slightly from the ongoing time tracking:

  1. By right-clicking on a stopped time interval, you will bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions for a stopped time interval and will allow you to view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time, or delete the time.

  2. The Paper icon will allow you to view the hours in a read-only format.

  3. The Individual Actions for a stopped time interval (the three dots next to the Paper icon) are identical to the right-click actions for a stopped time interval and will allow you to view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time, or delete the time.

The terms found in the "Time Tracking" section are defined below:

"User" The user associated with the respective time tracking.
"Start" The start time and date of the activity or task.
"Stop" The stop time and date of the activity or task.
"Duration" How long (from Start to Stop) the activity or task lasts.
"Type" The type of activity or task that is being measured by the time tracking.
"Note" A brief note regarding the time tracking activity or task.
"Exception" If any error occurs between time tracking events (e.g., an exception) the error icon will be visible here.
"Actions" For an ongoing time interval, the Actions drop-down will allow you to stop the clock, view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time, or delete the time. For a stopped time interval, the Actions drop-down will allow you to view the hours in a read-only format, edit the time, or delete the time.
Billing Tab

The "Billing" tab will display all the invoices associated with the work order regardless of the invoice status:

In this tab you will be able to:

  1. Right-click to bring up the right-click actions. These actions are identical to the Individual Actions and will allow you to view the invoice, edit the invoice, export the invoice to PDF, or send the invoice to the customer.

  2. You can use the Paper icon to open the View Invoice pop-up window of the selected invoice.

  3. Use the Individual Actions (the three dots next to the Paper icon). This button is identical to the right-click actions and will allow you view the invoice, edit the invoice, export the invoice to PDF, or send the invoice to the customer.

  4. By pressing the Plus Sign, you can add a new invoice that is associated with the work order. Or use the topmost Individual Actions to add an invoice to the work order or a payment to a selected invoice in the work order.

The terms found in the "Billing" columns are defined below:

"ID" The external ID (outside of MobiWork) of the invoice; used for organization and record-keeping. This number can be from QuickBooks or another third-party accounting software.
"Date" The creation date of the invoice.
"Status" The status of the invoice (i.e., "Open," "Checked Out," "Service Completed," "Customer Invoiced," "Paid," and "Cancelled").
"Amount Billed" The amount the customer is being billed for the invoice.
"Amount Credited" The amount being credited to the invoice.
"Balance" The remaining balance due on the invoice.
"Cost" The total cost of the listed product or service.
"Actions" Allows you to view the invoice, edit the invoice, export the invoice to PDF, or send the invoice to the customer.
Metrics Tab

The "Metrics" tab will display the profit, revenue, costs, and margin associated with the work order.

There are two columns found within the "Metrics" tab; these columns are the "Profit/Margin" and the "Timeline View" sections:


The "Profit/Margin" column will contain the revenue, costs, profit, and margin of the work order. This information is calculated automatically from the different fields associated with the work order (e.g., invoices, job costings, etc.)

The terms found in the "Profit/Margin" subsection are defined below:

"Revenue" The total amount of all the parts, services, etc. associated with the invoice.
"Costs" The total cost incurred by your company when procuring the part or product.
"Profit" The financial gain obtained from the quote after subtracting all associated costs.
"Margin" The percentage of financial gain from the invoice after subtracting all associated costs.


The time, creation date, invoice date, and payment dates will be displayed in the "Timeline" column.

The terms found in the "Timeline" subsection are defined below:

"Creation Date" The date that the work order was created.
"Completion Date" The completed date of the work order; this data is generated once the work order is completed from the mobile device's action items.
"Invoice Date" The date that the invoice was created.
"Payment Date" The payment date.
Constraints Tab

You can establish a schedule constraint for a chosen work order by accessing the "Constraints" tab. A constraint denotes the availability (or unavailability) of a customer for service on specific days or during particular time intervals.

For instance, if a customer cannot accommodate a work order on Mondays, you can specify that the customer is unavailable all-day Monday. Alternatively, if there are specific hours when the customer is available at home, you can define the times when service is permissible, from a starting time to an ending time.

You have the flexibility to customize these constraints to align with the unique scheduling needs of each customer, ensuring efficient and timely work orders:

You can access the following actions through the "Constraints" tab:

  1. With the right-click actions you will be able to edit or delete the schedule constraint; the actions that are found here are the same actions that are available with the Individual Actions button.

  2. The Pencil icon will allow you to edit the schedule constraint.

  3. With the Individual Actions button, you will be able to edit or delete the schedule constraint; the actions that are found here are the same actions that are available with the right-click actions.

  4. With the Plus Sign button, you will be able to add a new schedule constraint.

You have the option to adjust or delete these scheduled constraints as needed by right-clicking on the selected constraint or through the Individual Actions drop-down.

To add a new schedule constraint, click the Plus Sign button.

The Add Scheduling Constraint pop-up window will then appear:

From the "Constraint Type" drop-down select one of the following:

  • Customer Can Only be Serviced- Indicates when the customer is open for work orders.

  • Customer Cannot be Serviced- Indicates when the customer does not have availability.

  • Work Order is the First Stop- Indicates that this work order will serve as the first stop for the user.

Then you can select the "All Day" checkbox to indicate if the schedule block should take the entire day. Or you can select the exact timeline with the "From Time" and "To Time." Once you are satisfied with the data entered, click the Add button to save the schedule constraint for the selected customers.

History Tab

The "History" tab lists the historically recorded details of the work order, including status dates, the time duration of the status, description of any updates, and more:

The "History" tab has three different subsections that stores historical data of the work order. These columns are the "Started and Completed," "Status Events," and "History" subsections:

Started and Completed

The "Started and Completed" subsection will display the date that the work order was created and the date that the work order was completed by the user.

The terms found in the "Started and Completed" subsection are defined below:

"Created Date" The date that the work order was created.
"Completion Date" The completed date of the work order; this data is generated once the work order is completed from the mobile device's action items.

Status Events

The "Status Events" subsection will display how long the work order was in the designated status.

The terms found in the "Status Events" subsection are defined below:

"Custom Status" The designated custom status of the work order.
"From" The date that the custom status was assigned to the work order.
"To" The date that the custom status was no longer assigned to the work order.
"Time Spent in Status" The total time duration that the work order spent in the designated status.


The "History" column will display the historical data of the work order (e.g., work order status changes, adding documents to the work order, and more). The data in this box will automatically generate when a specified event or status is reached.

The terms found in the "History" column are defined below:

"Date" The listed activity date indicates when the work order took place.
"Activity Type" What kind of activity was performed on the work order.
"Description" The description of the activity.
"User" The user who performed the activity.
Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!