Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Customers
Customer Arrangement and Terms

You can change how your residential customers are listed in the web portal, so that they are listed by last name. You can also update the term that you use to refer to your customers.

This section will highlight how to accomplish these actions.

List Customers by Last Name

You can choose to list your residential customers by last name for the Customers feature page. To list them by last name, you will first need to navigate to the Customers Settings page. For more information about this page, please visit Customer Settings page.

Once you are on this page, click on the Edit Settings button under the "General" section; you will then be redirected to the Edit Customer Settings page:

Note: Organizing your customers by last name will only be applicable for residential customers and can only viewed in this format on the web portal

On the Edit Customer Settings page, click on the checkbox for the "Customer Referred by Last Name, First" option. Click on the Save button to finalize the update:

Change Customer Term

If you would like, you can update the singular and plural versions of how you refer to your customers. (e.g., client / clients, consumer / consumers, etc.). To update your customer term, you will first need to navigate to the Customers Settings page. For more information about this page, please visit Customer Settings page.

You can update the term by clicking on the Edit Settings button; you will be then redirected to the Edit Customer Settings page:

On this page, enter the desired customer(s) terms; once you are satisfied with the new term, click the Save button:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!