Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Schedule and Dispatching
Optimize Dispatching

This section will go over some commonly asked questions regarding optimizing work orders.

Optimize Route

After creating a work order, you can further refine and optimize the route. Optimizing a route will rely on the user's hours/business hours. Route optimization focuses on reducing overall travel time and distance, leading to lower fuel consumption, less wear and tear, and more time available for revenue-generating work.

We have multiple ways to optimize route and dispatch to optimize routes. To optimize the route of one user, click the user's name on the Schedule's "Timeline View," "Calendar View," or "Composite View." For detailed instructions on optimizing your work orders, refer to the View and Optimize Route page.

Optimize Route for Multiple Users

To optimize the routes of multiple users and redistribute the work orders, select the work orders from either the Work Order "List" page or the Customer "List" page, then select the "Add Routes" option from the More Actions drop-down.

For more information about the Work Order "List" page or the Customer "List" page, please refer to the Customers List page or the Work Orders List page.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!