Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): User Settings
Display User Device Location on Map

Within MobiWork you will be able to view the location of your users' devices on a map-view. This section will illustrate how to accomplish this action.

Display Single User Location on Map

Overview Video

Step by Step

  1. To see an individual user's location on a map, you will first need to access the View User pop-up window. Please see the View User page for more information.
    • Once you have accessed the View User pop-up window, you can see the last time the user logged in as well as the list of devices associated with the user:

  2. Click on the desired device from under the List of Device(s) section; this action will bring you to the Device page:

  3. Under the Location Data section, click on the hyperlinked text in the Last Known Location row:

  4. The map display will then appear with the user represented by a pin:

Display Multiple Users' Locations on Map

Overview Video

Step by Step

  1. To see multiple users' locations on a map, you will first need to access the "Analytics" tab from the "More" drop-down:
    • Hover over the "Locations" option, and from the additional options that appear, click on "Locations:"

  2. In the left-hand column, you will see your list of active users along with their respective numbered icons; these icons will correspond with the icons displayed on the map:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!