Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Invoices
Invoice Creation

This section will go over some commonly asked questions regarding creating a new invoice.

Invoice Creation Without a Quote or Work Order

You can create an invoice without having to create a quote or work order. For more information on how to create an invoice without having to create a work order or a quote, please see the Add an Invoice page.

Work Order Parts and Services Not Updated by Invoice Items

Parts and services listed in an invoice's line items are not automatically added to the work order's "Parts and Services" tab. This intentional design prevents a continuous cycle where updates to the invoice automatically modify the parts/services list and vice versa.

To add items to both the "Parts and Services" list and the invoice simultaneously, use the "Parts and Services" action available on the mobile app. This ensures seamless integration without creating unwanted dependencies.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!