Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Review Us
G2 Reviews

Aside from reviewing our app directly from your mobile device, you can also recommend MobiWork on G2, Capterra, and other online directories.

This step-by-step tutorial will help get your G2 review published so that it's seen by other buyers like you.

Before we get started, please review the message below:

Step by Step

Overview Video

Step by Step

STEP 1: Go to G2’s MobiWork Profile

You can click on the following link: G2: MobiWork

  1. Once you are on the G2 page, scroll down until you locate the Write a Review button. Click on this button:
    • You will be automatically redirected to the login page. Click on the Continue to Login button in the top-right corner:

STEP 2: Sign Up or Sign In

After clicking on Continue to Login, you'll see the following screen:

You have two options:

  1. Option 1: Create an account on G2 and follow the prompts.

  2. Option 2: Sign in with:

    1. Your LinkedIn account (this is the easiest way, especially if you don’t have a business email)

    2. Your business email address via Gmail

    3. Your business email through your own provider

NOTE: Personal email addresses ending in “” are not allowed while using option 2.

STEP 3: Write Your Review

It might seem like a lot, but it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to complete the review process. Here are a few tips to make sure you complete each section in no time:

  1. The first question is a recommendation question. We’d appreciate it if you could give us the highest rating since this is the question that decides the rating for the whole review:
  2. The title could be a summary of your favorite features or just how much you enjoy the app:

  3. If you’re in a time crunch, just click on “View all required” option to avoid having to fill out all the optional questions:
  4. In the next question you could mention how MobiWork has helped you overcome a challenge. If nothing comes to mind, you can just write, "there's nothing I can think of at the moment:"
  5. The rest of the questions are straightforward:

  6. STEP 4: Upload a Screenshot (optional, but recommended)

    Uploading a screenshot of the app or an invoice can help get your recommendation published without further review from G2’s moderation team:

    NOTE: Please make sure you upload a photo in jpeg or png format. PDFs are not accepted.

    STEP 5: Submit Your Review

    Once you’ve completed all sections, take a moment to:

    1. Ensure all sections have thorough responses (e.g., the green lines are at a maximum), and each question has been answered.

    2. Confirm that you are NOT affiliated with MobiWork (e.g., you’re not a reseller or partner):

    3. Agree to G2’s terms of use and privacy policy.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!