Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): User Settings
Saved Searches

Saved searches will appear in the drop-down menu and can also be used for dashboards and reports. You can create and manage saved searches by accessing the saved search drop-down menu from any MobiWork feature page.

By default, MobiWork provides a list of saved searches for each web feature. You can also create your own saved searches by clicking the "Create a New Advanced Search." Please note that once you name a new saved search, you will be unable to rename it (instead you would need to delete your saved search and create a new one).

By clicking on the "Manage Saved Searches" option, the Manage Saved Searches pop-up window will appear; from this pop-up window you will be able to rearrange your saved searches, edit existing saved searches, or create a new saved search.

Rearrange Saved Searches

If you would like to rearrange the order that your saved searches appear, you can do so from the Manage Saved Searches pop-up window. To access this window, please select the "Manage Saved Searches" option from your selected MobiWork feature:

Once the Manage Saved Searches pop-up window appears, click and drag the selected saved searches to their desired order:

Once you close out of the pop-up window, the new saved search order will automatically appear in the saved searches drop-down.

Searching for Parent and Sub-Customer Accounts

The best way to visualize parent accounts and their associated sub-customers/child accounts is to export your customer list to Excel.

From the spreadsheet, you can view all parent accounts and their associated sub-customers. We do not have an attribute to search for parent customers directly. For more information on how to export customers, please see the Export Customers page.

"Show All" Results Limit

By default, the "Show All" saved search will display up to 500 results, with each page showing 25 results. To increase the maximum number of results per page, create a new saved search and set a higher limit.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!