Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Sage
Sage Export

This section will go over some commonly asked questions regarding the Sage export feature.

Invoices to be Exported After Job Completion

Paid and unpaid invoices can be pushed from MobiWork to Sage after the job has been completed. You can also implement an escalation mechanism with review/approval prior to pushing to Sage Intacct.

Cancel Invoices Prior to Exporting

You can delete or cancel invoices in MobiWork prior to exporting them to Sage. You can also delete or cancel them after exporting them to Sage.

MobiWork does not act the same way a financial system does in terms of locking invoices.

Visual Confirmation of Invoice and Payment Export

Once an invoice or payment has been exported to Sage, the "External ID" column will appear and be filled with an ID; the ID displayed here is the ID for the invoice or payment in Sage Intacct.

Fixing Payment Errors After Export

MobiWork does not push payments twice to Sage; If a payment needs to be fixed, you will need to update it in Sage Intacct.

Locking Invoices Prior to Export

You can specify when invoices are locked in MobiWork (it is typically automated via a MobiRule to lock when a specific event occurs). Special permissions can also be provided to end users so that they will be able to unlock an invoice.

Updating Customer Information After Exporting Invoices

In MobiWork, changing a customer's name and/or address after an invoice has already been exported will not result in zeroing out the original customer balance and applying it to the new customer in Sage.

Additionally, when the customer information has been updated in MobiWork, it will not automatically update the original record in Sage.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!