Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Inventory
Barcode SKU

For more information about the barcode SKU and how to update it in MobiWork, please see the sections below.

Uploading Barcodes to MobiWork (Individual)

You can connect the SKU number to a specified asset or item by adding or editing the desired asset or part. On the Edit or Add pop-up window, input the matching number from the barcode into the SKU text field:

Once done, click the Save button. The asset or part will then be registered to the specified barcode's number. For more information on how to access the Add or Edit pop-up windows for assets or parts, please see the following pages:

The "Tag" column can also be used to declare the SKU of an item or asset.

Uploading Barcodes to MobiWork (Multiple)

If your company has existing barcodes for parts, you can also use the MobiWork Part's Import feature (or MobiWork Asset's Import feature, if it is an Asset). Once you export the Excel document, use the SKU column to enter the information along with the appropriate part/asset.

Once you are done inputting the SKU number on the Excel file, save the file, then use the import feature to upload the Excel file back to MobiWork.

For more information on how to access the Import or Export features for assets or parts, please see the following pages:

The "Tag" column can also be used to declare the SKU of an item or asset.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!