Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Assets
Assets on the Mobile Device

This section will highlight some commonly asked questions regarding assets on the MobiWork app.

Images and Description in Mobile App

When viewing asset information on the MobiWork device app, you will be able to access the asset name, tag, and an image of the asset.

In order to have this information display properly on the mobile app, please make sure these fields are populated. You can populate these fields in either the Edit Asset pop-up window, or the Add Asset pop-up window.

For more information on how to access the Edit Asset or Add Asset pop-up windows, please see the Edit Asset or the Add Asset page.

Scanning the Asset Barcode

If the asset has a barcode or QR code, you can easily scan it using the MobiWork app to instantly access the corresponding asset information.

To register the barcode or QR code with the asset, navigate to either the Edit Asset or Add Asset pop-up window. Here, enter the code into the designated field, such as the "Serial Number," or "Tag" field."

For more information on how to access the Edit Asset or Add Asset pop-up windows, please see the Edit Asset or the Add Asset page.

Transferring Assets on the Mobile Device

While assets can be loaded or unloaded through work orders or added directly to a customer, transferring an asset to a warehouse is not possible through the mobile device.

If you would like to transfer the asset to a warehouse, it will need to be done through the MobiWork web interface.

Please note that when an asset is added to a customer, it is associated with the customer, and its location is automatically updated on the Assets feature page. When an asset is loaded or unloaded through a work order, it is associated with the assigned user.

Please see the View Customer on Device page, Load Items, or the Unload Items page for more information about transferring assets on the mobile device.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!