Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Inventory
Importing Product Inventory

Product Inventory can easily be updated in MobiWork once Products have been successfully added.

Import Product Inventory From Web
  1. Hover over the Inventory feature from your MobiWork menu, and click on the "View Inventory" option:

  2. Click on the More Actions button, and from the drop-down select the "Export Inventory to Excel:"

  3. This will download the generic Product Inventory Excel template; make any changes as needed directly to the Excel document:

  4. After you save the changes to your Excel document, import the updated Excel file using the "Import Inventory From Excel" option from the More Actions drop-down:

  5. On the Import Validation screen, you can click on the Click for Details link for each Product to view the changes made:

  6. After Submit is selected, the Product Inventory will be updated:

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!