Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): QuickBooks

This section will highlight some commonly asked questions regarding QuickBooks Online and customers.

Manually pull Customers From QBO to MobiWork

At any time, you can navigate to the QuickBooks Online Connector and choose to import customers from QuickBooks. For more information about how to accomplish this feature, please see the Import Customers page.

Customer Duplicates

To determine which MobiWork customer corresponds to a QuickBooks Online customer, check if the MobiWork customer has an external ID. If an external ID is present, the customer is linked to a QuickBooks Online customer. If multiple MobiWork customers are linked to the same QuickBooks Online customer (i.e., both have external IDs), retain the customer with the lower ID number, as it was created earlier. For example, if Customer A has an external ID of QB, 171 and Customer B has an external ID of QB, 689, customer A should be retained.

Getting in Touch With Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We'd be happy to help!